Friday, May 25, 2012

Guest Post: Self-Storage Perks? They do Exist | Storage Garage | TH ...

Sometimes, a self-storage facility can be a lifesaver. If that sentiment sounds a little dramatic, imagine the headaches that convenient access to nearby personal storage has saved those who have unexpectedly found themselves in need of a place to put all of their junk while their homes undergo renovations.

For example, people spend a lot of time in their kitchen. In fact, it is one of the most lived-in rooms in any household and as a result, it can sometimes turn into a repository for collected culinary knick-knacks and other useless gifts collected over the years. If your home is starting to look like a hoarder?s paradise, it may be time to explore the role that self-storage facilities could play in de-cluttering your life.

Once you?ve decided to de-clutter the kitchen and place extra items into home storage, you?ve got to draw the line between the essential and nonessential. Here are a few tips on making those difficult choices.

  • Start with duplicates. If you have two of something, toss one (gently) into the storage category. If only one works, throw the broken one away before someone actually starts calling you a hoarder.
  • Move on to those aforementioned knick-knacks. Since no kitchen would be complete without at least a few, you can keep some.
  • Perform the kitchen storage dust test: anything that?s got a thick layer of dust on it is something that can go into storage without the risk of being missed.
  • Install a hanging rack for pots and pans. This will allow you to maximize cupboard space without having to send everything to the self-storage unit.

Some people think that their garage is just as good as a storage facility, and decide that is where they are going to store all of these nonessential items. If this notion has crossed your mind, you may want to think more about what you are committing to and consider the alternative available in storage facilities before going to any extremes. Listed below are some things that self-storage units can offer that a garage simply cannot.

  • More space. Even if you have a two-car garage, there?s nothing that can quite compare to a perfectly empty 10?20 (or bigger) empty vessel that you can fill for a fraction of the money it would cost you to build on to your garage.
  • One central location to house all the tools, random car parts, and unused basketball hoops your wife and kids might trip over. If they?re not trash bin worthy but they?re not being used, they should be stored someplace out of the way.
  • The ability to make actual progress in your garage and home organization plans. Yes, those plans?the ones that have been brewing for the last few years. Simply divide and conquer to get your home looking as nice as possible.

If the idea of spring cleaning puts your stomach in knots and you just don?t know how you?re going to pull it off, you?re an ideal candidate for offsite household storage. Household storage prices are low enough that you can hang onto expensive furnishings and family heirlooms indefinitely, and not have to face the difficult decision about selling them to make room.

Author Bio

This article was written by Matt Schexnayder. Matt is on the SpareFoot marketing team and writes for the SpareFoot blog. SpareFoot is the largest online marketplace for self-storage with more than 5,000 self-storage facilities listed nationwide.

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