Friday, May 25, 2012

Time for America to say ta-ta to Tut

Sandro Vannini / National Geographic

This "shabti," or funerary servant figure, is from the antechamber of Tutankhamun's tomb. Shabtis were inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead that ensured the king would do no forced labor in the afterlife. The figure is part of the "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs," an exhibit that is winding up its U.S. tour in Seattle.

By Alan Boyle

Two major exhibits of ancient artifacts relating to the best-known figures from ancient Egypt, King Tut and Cleopatra, are in the last stages of their U.S. tours ? and their departure could signal the end of an era.

"Cleopatra: The Exhibition" opened at the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Wednesday, while "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs" began its run at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle today. By the end of next year, the more than 250 artifacts from the two exhibitions will be back in Egypt, possibly for good.

The return to Egypt marks the end of a Tut-centric "Comeback Tour" that began back in 2005 and sparked the kind of enthusiasm that was seen back in the 1970s, during an earlier Tut exhibit. Like that 1976-1979 "Treasures of Tutankhamun" show, millions have turned out to see the glittering gold and the 3,300-year-old artifacts associated with the boy-king's short reign. More than 90,000 advance tickets already have been sold for this year's Seattle exhibit.

Transplanting Tut-mania
Among the featured objects in Seattle are a 10-foot-tall statue of the pharaoh, Tut's golden sandals and the golden funerary mask of King Psusennes I. (Tut's golden mask, which was such a hit since the '70s, was judged too fragile and valuable to travel out of Egypt this time around.)

After Seattle, the more than 100 artifacts will go to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, which is currently under construction and due for completion in 2015. At one time, Egyptian officials saw the revenue generated by traveling exhibits as a means to cover?the museum construction costs. But last year's revolution dealt a heavy blow to the country's tourist industry, and now officials think it's more important to bring museumgoers to the treasures in Egypt than to bring the treasures to museumgoers outside Egypt.

View highlights of the treasures on view in "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs."

"They're eager to see these [artifacts] return to Egypt," said Bryan Harris, vice president of sales and marketing for Arts and Exhibitions International, which helped organize the Tut tour. And they're eager for tourists to follow Tut's trail.

That came through loud and clear during a Seattle news conference on Wednesday.?"Please, we need your help," Antiquities Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said. "We need you to support our revolution. We need you to support our movement toward peace and democracy."

Cleopatra's sunken treasures
The stars of the Tut exhibit are artifacts that were found 90 years ago in a long-hidden tomb by British archaeologist Howard Carter, but it's a different story for the more than 150 "Cleopatra" artifacts now on display in Los Angeles. They were brought to the surface just in the past few years during underwater excavations at the sunken sites of Alexandria, Heracleion and Canopus.

"All those artifacts were completely covered by sediment," French archaeologist Franck Goddio, leader of the underwater excavation, told me.

Christoph Gerigk / AP

Divers explore the submerged ruins of a palace and temple in Alexandria's harbor.

Video previews "Cleopatra: The Exhibition."

The project made a splash, so to speak, when the "Cleopatra" tour was first announced a couple of years ago, and since then it's been on display in Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Milwaukee. One more U.S. city, yet to be determined, could join the list after Los Angeles. But by the end of 2013, the statues, jewelry, coins and other items will be distributed among several Egyptian museums, Goddio said. Egyptian authorities are considering the construction of an underwater museum in Alexandria Harbor, and if that project goes forward, "all the artifacts will go in that museum," he said.

Goddio said the artifacts recovered so far suggest that Hellenistic Egypt, the culture in which Cleopatra lived during the first century B.C., was less Greek and much more Egyptian than experts previously thought. "The Egyptian sensitivity is much stronger than what it was thought to be at that time," he said. And that's all the more reason for present-day Egyptian officials to want those treasures back in their home country.

Fortunately, Goddio and others have been able to continue their work amid all of Egypt's political changes, including the run-up to this week's presidential elections there.

"Up to now, the authority has not changed," he told me, "and it's not expected that there will be any change from a scientific view." So even though the long-traveling treasures may be going home for good, there might be fresh archaeological finds available for future road trips.

And after all, Egypt isn't the only place that offers archaeological wonders. Just this month, for example, Penn Museum opened a "Maya 2012" exhibit featuring sculptures and replicas of monuments from the Maya civilization.

Harris acknowledges that Egypt doesn't hold a monopoly on ancient mysteries and marvels. Nevertheless, he says there's something special about old King Tut.?"An exhibit like 'Tutankhamun' is really like lightning in a bottle," he told me. "For some reason, Egyptian culture, and particularly Tutankhamun, seems to captivate the imagination more than any other. ... To be honest, there's only one."

More about Egyptian treasures:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the?Cosmic Log?community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?or adding?Cosmic Log's Google+ page?to your circle. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for other worlds.

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Guest Post: Self-Storage Perks? They do Exist | Storage Garage | TH ...

Sometimes, a self-storage facility can be a lifesaver. If that sentiment sounds a little dramatic, imagine the headaches that convenient access to nearby personal storage has saved those who have unexpectedly found themselves in need of a place to put all of their junk while their homes undergo renovations.

For example, people spend a lot of time in their kitchen. In fact, it is one of the most lived-in rooms in any household and as a result, it can sometimes turn into a repository for collected culinary knick-knacks and other useless gifts collected over the years. If your home is starting to look like a hoarder?s paradise, it may be time to explore the role that self-storage facilities could play in de-cluttering your life.

Once you?ve decided to de-clutter the kitchen and place extra items into home storage, you?ve got to draw the line between the essential and nonessential. Here are a few tips on making those difficult choices.

  • Start with duplicates. If you have two of something, toss one (gently) into the storage category. If only one works, throw the broken one away before someone actually starts calling you a hoarder.
  • Move on to those aforementioned knick-knacks. Since no kitchen would be complete without at least a few, you can keep some.
  • Perform the kitchen storage dust test: anything that?s got a thick layer of dust on it is something that can go into storage without the risk of being missed.
  • Install a hanging rack for pots and pans. This will allow you to maximize cupboard space without having to send everything to the self-storage unit.

Some people think that their garage is just as good as a storage facility, and decide that is where they are going to store all of these nonessential items. If this notion has crossed your mind, you may want to think more about what you are committing to and consider the alternative available in storage facilities before going to any extremes. Listed below are some things that self-storage units can offer that a garage simply cannot.

  • More space. Even if you have a two-car garage, there?s nothing that can quite compare to a perfectly empty 10?20 (or bigger) empty vessel that you can fill for a fraction of the money it would cost you to build on to your garage.
  • One central location to house all the tools, random car parts, and unused basketball hoops your wife and kids might trip over. If they?re not trash bin worthy but they?re not being used, they should be stored someplace out of the way.
  • The ability to make actual progress in your garage and home organization plans. Yes, those plans?the ones that have been brewing for the last few years. Simply divide and conquer to get your home looking as nice as possible.

If the idea of spring cleaning puts your stomach in knots and you just don?t know how you?re going to pull it off, you?re an ideal candidate for offsite household storage. Household storage prices are low enough that you can hang onto expensive furnishings and family heirlooms indefinitely, and not have to face the difficult decision about selling them to make room.

Author Bio

This article was written by Matt Schexnayder. Matt is on the SpareFoot marketing team and writes for the SpareFoot blog. SpareFoot is the largest online marketplace for self-storage with more than 5,000 self-storage facilities listed nationwide.

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Plane Formations

Ace Combat: Heaven's Limits

The story of four ace pilots in the Osean Air Defense Force and the struggles they faced during the "Nether War" which took place in 2012 during the Post Circum-Pacific War time period.


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Ace Combat: Heaven's Limits?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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If you have more ideas for formations let me know in a pm or in the OOC.

These formations are all based on different practical applications such as attacking, defending, isolation, etc, etc. Also, I'm not very creative so they are numbered instead of having cool names.

Formation One: V formation with the lead plane as the apex with the wingmen taking the sides behind him. Two wingmen on the lead's left and one on the right in alignment with him. This is a typical flight formation used in air combat.

Formation Two: V formation with the lead plane as the apex with the wingmen taking the sides ahead of him instead of behind him but still in alignment. This is better in more aggressive situations where the wingmen attack relentlessly with the flight lead attacking when able but remaining more as support and for commands.

Formation Three: ---- Formation. This formation is a straight line from left to right with the flight lead taking the second spot to the left. It is best utilized for bombing runs.

Formation Four: -_-_ Formation. This formation is again a bombing formation, but this is used when there is a higher risk of SAM attacks so not all four planes are on a single plane and have more room to maneuver.

Formation Five: Diamond formation. Flight lead is in the frontal point with the four wingmen taking the other three points. This formation is almost exclusive to air combat.

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Unprotected Sects

In retrospect, Morrissey says, he should have consulted security experts before building the site. The problem, in his view, is that churches are eager to get online, but many don?t understand what?s involved. And they?re so used to relying on volunteers to run their programs that they don?t realize that might be a bad idea when it comes to websites. ?Oftentimes it?s an IT person who maybe has a clue about websites, but no real experience at the professional level,? he says. For his part, Morrissey moved that site, and the others he manages, from GoDaddy?s bare-bones hosting service to WordPress, a popular, standardized content management platform that regularly adapts its code to thwart hackers. To his knowledge, none of his sites have been compromised since.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

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Have you lost your child forever? Parenting after being away ...

Recovering people have often been away from their children for extended periods of time, in jail and prison, in rehab programs or just gone doing their drug of choice. When you have been away from your children for a while parenting can be especially difficult. Over time they change, you change and the situation changes also. Here are some thoughts for making the transition back home.

The reunification challenges are greatly increased if your child has been in foster care or their other parent has started a new relationship. You may be the biological parent but someone else has been there raising this child while you were gone.

1. You need their permission to reconnect.

Just being the biological parent does not give you the right to force your way back into their life. Time changes people. Painful as it may be for you, the process needs to move at the child?s pace not the pace you would want. ?

The longer you have been away the more your children will have changed. You can?t expect to pick up where you left off. We tend to remember things the way they were and forget how much they will have changed.

Short separations don?t pose the problems that longer separations do. Several clients I have worked with were away from a decade or more. That cute five year old who was starting kindergarten when you went away, would be a teenager now. Your ?little girl? may have a boyfriend, piercings and a whole lot of habits you wish she hadn?t picked up. She won?t take kindly to you coming back after all this time wanting to change her life.

You need to figure out how you fit into the child?s life not the other way around. ?

2. What they went through left wounds.??

You may have changed but the only memory they have of you is the way things were. Drug addicts with three days clean wonder why the family can?t forgive them, after all they quit right? One way people protect themselves is to hold on to that anger or resentment. For some kids that has turned to indifference. You left them, weather you chose to or not. Seeing you again can be like being grabbed where the broken bone still hasn?t healed.

3. They have had to adjust

Adjusting for the child means developing new relationships. Someone has cared for them, seen that they were fed, taken care of them when they were sick. They got close to that person. They have come to love that person and trust them. They owe that person some loyalty. Reconnecting with you can make them feel like they are betraying the one who cared for them while you were away. ??

Now suddenly you want them to forget the person who raised them and follow you blindly? ?Why should they trust you? You weren?t there? ?

This is a huge problem if their other parent has started a new relationship. Papernow has written about step-families and tells us that with blended families the new spouse is always an outsider. The parent and the children had a relationship first and the new spouse came second.

If you have been away for a long time you may be in the position of the new step parent with your own biological children. The child has developed a relationship with their other parent?s new partner. The one who was there all those years has been the one that went to their school activities and played with them.

Biological parent or not you are the new person in the child?s life, and to make it more difficult you are not even living in the house now.

To rebuild this relationship will take time, lots of time and that time will have to fit into your child?s life and their family?s life not yours.

Reconnecting needs to be a priority. ?Lots of people in early recovery fantasize about having that great relationships with their children, the reality is that it takes lots of work and it will probably not live up to your expectations. Lots of people give up. I commend those who are so determined that they stick with the process even when it is less fulfilling than they had hoped.?

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Mountain lion killed in downtown Santa Monica

This image provided by the Santa Monica Police Department shows a mountain lion cornered Tuesday May 22, 2012 in Santa Monica, Calif. After efforts to tranquilize the animal failed, officers were forced to kill the animal to prevent it from escaping onto the streets. (AP Photo/Santa Monica Police Department)

This image provided by the Santa Monica Police Department shows a mountain lion cornered Tuesday May 22, 2012 in Santa Monica, Calif. After efforts to tranquilize the animal failed, officers were forced to kill the animal to prevent it from escaping onto the streets. (AP Photo/Santa Monica Police Department)

California Department of Fish and Game officers remove the bagged body of a mountain lion, found in the courtyard of an office building on Second Street in the downtown urban core of Santa Monica, Calif., Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Discovered shortly before 6 a.m. by a maintenance worker, animal officers and police tried several less-than-lethal methods to subdue the cat, but it continued to try to move out of the area and was shot and killed by police, according to Capt. Daniel Sforza of DFG. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

California Department of Fish and Game officers remove the bagged body of a mountain lion, found in the courtyard of an office building on Second Street in the downtown urban core of Santa Monica, Calif., Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Discovered shortly before 6 a.m. by a maintenance worker, animal officers and police tried several less-than-lethal methods to subdue the cat, but it continued to try to move out of the area and was shot and killed by police, according to Capt. Daniel Sforza of DFG. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

A Santa Monica police officer carries weapons away from the barricaded street where a mountain lion was found in the courtyard of an office building on Second Street in the downtown urban core of Santa Monica, Calif., Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Discovered shortly before 6 a.m. by a maintenance worker, California Department of Fish and game officers and police tried several less-than-lethal methods to subdue the cat, but it continued to try to move out of the area and was shot and killed by police, according to Capt. Daniel Sforza of the DFG. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

Police Lt. Robert Almada tells bystanders that a mountain lion, found in the courtyard of an office building on Second Street in the downtown urban core of Santa Monica, Calif., unfortunately had to be killed Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Discovered shortly before 6 a.m. by a maintenance worker, animal officers and police tried several less-than-lethal methods to subdue the cat, but it continued to try to move out of the area and was shot and killed by police. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

(AP) ? Police shot and killed a mountain lion that somehow made its way through an urban landscape before it was found early Tuesday in a downtown Santa Monica office building courtyard near an outdoor mall and a bluff-top park that offers tourists views of the ocean and the city's famed pier.

Authorities made multiple attempts to try and subdue the young male cat, including use of a tranquilizer and a pepper ball, before killing it, said Capt. Daniel Sforza of the state Fish and Game Department.

The mountain lion was found about 6 a.m. by a janitor in the courtyard near a popular open-air mall, the Third Street Promenade, and just a couple of blocks from the beach. The street that has a preschool, a church and other businesses was cordoned off as a precaution.

"It's not a risk we can take with public safety," said police Lt. Robert Almada.

It wasn't immediately known how the cat ended up in the middle of the city. The National Park Service has been monitoring mountain lions with GPS radio-collars and cameras more than two miles away in the Santa Monica Mountains.

A typical home range for mountain lions is around 200 square miles for adult males, said the agency that has been conducting a study since 2002 in the Santa Monica Mountains to determine how urbanization is affecting the large cats.

Jeff Sikich, a biologist working on the long-term study for the National Park Service, said a mountain lion had never been seen in the area where the cougar was found.

There are currently about 10 mountain lions in the Santa Monica range but the lion killed in the city was not among those previously known, he said.

Sikich said that by age 1 1-2 lions disperse from their mothers and try to establish their own territories, which are so large that one adult male could claim the entire Santa Monica range.

Young lions, however, are trapped within the range because it is bordered by freeways to the north and east, the ocean to the south and an agricultural plain to the west. Dispersing young males that encounter urban areas usually turn around, and those found dead have either been hit by cars or killed by an adult male defending its territory, Sikich said

"Large carnivores need a lot of space," he said.

Sforza said a necropsy will be performed to see if the mountain lion had rabies or any other diseases.

"It's very unusual," Sforza said of finding the mountain lion. "It's just really hard to speculate."

Lorraine Miller, 89, said she was driving to her novels class, part of a college emeritus program for seniors, when she learned the mountain lion was in the building's courtyard where she was supposed to go.

"It seemed at first it was some kind of tall tale," said Miller, who has lived in Santa Monica for more than 40 years. "Then after a while you see all of this action. It was overwhelming."

Mountain lions are one of the most widespread carnivores in the world with a historical range from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Hundreds of mountain lion sightings are reported every year in California, but attacks on humans are rare. Between 1890 and 2007, there have only been 16 attacks in the state, according to Fish and Game statistics.

Miller said she believes killing the mountain lion was the right, but unfortunate, option.

"In my opinion they were taking care of the public," Miller said. "Frankly you can't object to being taken care of."

Sikich, the biologist, said mountain lions are elusive and generally avoid people, but they are wild, unpredictable animals and this one was in an unnatural situation.

"It was a tough situation, especially for the lion, but also for everyone involved," he said.

Sikich, who arrived after the killing, took some of its hair for testing to determine if it is related to the other lions of the Santa Monica range, which lack genetic diversity because of their entrapment.


AP writer John Antczak contributed to this report.

Associated Press

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Engineer, Graphics at CONFIDENTIAL - Premier Online Gaming ...

Our Client is the largest creator and operator of video games in the area. Become part of the team that has created some of the world?s most popular and award-winning online games. They have an immediate career opportunity as an Engineer, Graphics to work on their newest, unannounced project.

The incumbent will learn the features and limitations of the game?s client graphics and will recommend and implement features to make this game their best-looking yet. Qualified candidates should be equally capable of implementing game-specific mechanics as well as new low-level systems and tools which extend the functionality of the game engine.

Position offers a base salary of $90,000 - $150,000 DOE.


? Support and develop our client?s graphics engine for a brand new project.
? Debug and fix graphics visual and performance bugs arising during product development and testing.
? Develop and maintain other game engine systems as needed.
? Implement portions of game systems logic and advise game systems engineers on interfacing with the engine code.
? Lead technical design discussions on own systems.
? Analyzes requirements for, designs, and implements modular systems as requested.
? Provide reliable and accurate time estimates for tasks.
? Document systems thoroughly, both in terms of design and implementation.
? Maintain significant familiarity within engineering domain.
? Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the manager.


? 4+ years of professional experience as a staff or senior level software engineer.
? 2+ years of graphics - related expereince on PC or consoles
? High proficiency with C++.
? Bachelor?s degree in computer science or equivalent experience.
? Familiarity with STL.
? Experience with source control processes.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Romney at Bain, Americans Not Doing Better Off - Today's Q's for O's WH - 5/22/2012

TAPPER: To follow on Tommy's question, why would you conclude, or why would the White House or the president conclude that because Mitt Romney ran his private equity firm a certain way that he would run the country the same way? He's - Mr. Romney has talked about experience that he has from that. That doesn't mean that he would then start taking the same actions as president, right? The president took his experience; it didn't mean he started running the country like the community organizer or like a state senator. He just had experience. ?

CARNEY: Well, no, but the experience he had as a community organizer and state senator and then as a United States senator were the experience he believes helped qualify him for the presidency. He'd made the case and - that that record - ?

TAPPER: But he didn't do it as the community organizer; he did it as a president. And my only - my question is why are you - why are you saying that he would run things as- ?

CARNEY: Well, because the governor himself - the former governor himself as said as much. He's not running, that I can tell, on his record - or that you can, because he hasn't - on his record in Massachusetts. He's running as a businessman who can do for America what he did in private equity. And that, I think - I think Americans would expect that that credential deserves some scrutiny. ?

That's all that's happening here. ?

And I think it's also important then to put it in the context of different ideas about how we move the country forward economically; what the president's vision is, both what his record is so far in - since the end of the recession, since his policies have kicked in - the creation of more than 4 million private-sector jobs, 11 straight quarters of economic growth; and then compare that to - and that - and what he would do to continue to invest in education and infrastructure and innovation to ensure that our economy grows; his balanced approach to deficit reduction and dealing with our long-term debt challenges. ?

And compare that to what Republicans, in general, across the board -Republicans who support the Ryan Republican budget, including the presumptive nominee and - of the Republican Party and the president's opponent - what they would do. And what they have - what they say they would do is revert to the same policies that were in place in the run-up to the financial and economic collapse, the worst recession any of us that - I - most of us - Lester, sorry - have seen in our lifetimes. But the - (laughter) - maybe I'm - maybe I'm wrong about that. ?

But the - (laughter) - what the Republicans haven't put forward is an alternative that is any different from the very policies that helped bring about this. So policies that maximize benefits for the wealthiest Americans and hope that those benefits trickle down to - ?

TAPPER: You've changed the subject. ?

CARNEY: - no, I'll - I will entertain another question - but trickle down to middle-class Americans are not - are not policies that this president agrees with. He has a different vision. ?

They are also not policies that we need to theorize about because we've seen them tried, and we saw what happened. ?

We saw middle-class incomes stagnate or decline, we saw the very - the most fortunate and wealthiest Americans see their incomes increase dramatically, and then we saw the whole economy collapse. Not really what you would expect somebody who wants to be president to say he wants to repeat, but there you have it. ?

TAPPER: OK. So there's a new ABC News-Washington Post poll in which twice as many people say they are worse off now under President Obama than say they're better off. For most people, it's about the same. But I think it's 30 percent say they're worse off now; 16 percent say they're better off. Under this, you know, tried and true standard of "are you better off than you were four years ago," does this not give President Obama pause? ?

CARNEY: Well, I think that a finding like that needs to be viewed in context, and I'll - and I'll explain why. ?

TAPPER: You're going to "step back"? ?

CARNEY: Well, no, not that far. The fact is four years ago today we were just in the early stages of economic free fall. Unemployment had not yet skyrocketed to the point that it would under - as a result of the recession. We had not quite gotten to the period where the economy would contract by 9 percent, nearly 9 percent, as it did at the end of 2008, where four years ago would be the middle of 2008. So it is a fact that the worst recession since the Great Depression had not fully blossomed four years ago. ?

But if you look at the same data, most Americans, I think, agree with the idea that that recession was caused - its causes predated President Obama taking office. There is no question that most Americans recognize that. It's a simple fact. And it is also a fact that if you ask most Americans, do they want to go back to the policies that helped lead to that situation, the answer would be no. ?

And it's a fact that since President Obama's policies have taken effect, we've seen a reverse of all those trends. We've seen economic growth steadily, not enough, but steady economic growth. We've seen a situation that went from hemorrhaging of 800,000 jobs a month to a situation where we've created private-sector jobs every month for over two years. We still have further to travel on this road to recovery, but there is no question that the circumstance we're in now economically and the trajectory that we're on economically is better than the trajectory that this country was on four years ago today. ?

TAPPER: OK. One last quick one. The Romney campaign has put out a Web video about Delphi in which workers from that company who are non- union workers, who feel like they got shafted in the deal that the Obama administration helped put together during that bailout, talk about how they feel like they were victims and how the Obama administration picked winners and losers and opted to give union personnel a better deal than non-union personnel. Do you have a response to that? ?

CARNEY: I haven't seen the ad, but I think the president's very proud of the record that he has, and those who worked with him on it, to help save the automobile industry. I think if that's a debate that Republicans want to have in the summer and fall, I personally look forward to it.

The fact is, is that every one of those workers at companies like that one and many others across the country would have lost their jobs if General Motors and Chrysler had been allowed to fail and eventually liquidate, which was the only alternative to the actions the president took. I mean, it is simply a fact that had that action not been taken, against a lot of the sage advice, both economic and political, of a lot of people, those jobs would have been lost and we would no longer have the number-one automaker in the world.

We would no longer - ?

TAPPER: That's not really - ?

CARNEY: - be in a situation where we are creating manufacturing jobs at a rapid pace for the first time in this country in a long time. ?

TAPPER: The nonunion workers have - ?

MR. CARNEY: Again, I haven't seen the specific ad, but the - ?

TAPPER: - the details of that particular company's bailout?

CARNEY: I don't. But just, again, listening to what you say, I don't know the details of that particular company's situation. What I would say is that the alternative to the actions the president took is the loss of all those jobs, everybody's job in that industry. The president wasn't prepared to let that happen. He insisted that companies that received taxpayer support only received it if they took steps to reform themselves and improve the kinds of products that they were producing. That has happened. Again, and for that reason, GM, Chrysler, as well as Ford, are stronger now than they've been in years. ?

-Jake Tapper


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Songbirds' learning hub in brain offers insight into motor control

Monday, May 21, 2012

To learn its signature melody, the male songbird uses a trial-and-error process to mimic the song of its father, singing the tune over and over again, hundreds of times a day, making subtle changes in the pitch of the notes. For the male Bengalese finch, this rigorous training process begins around the age of 40 days and is completed about day 90, just as he becomes sexually mature and ready to use his song to woo females.

To accomplish this feat, the finch's brain must receive and process large quantities of information about its performance and use that data to precisely control the complex vocal actions that allow it to modify the pitch and pattern of its song.

Now, scientists at UCSF have shown that a key brain structure acts as a learning hub, receiving information from other regions of the brain and figuring out how to use that information to improve its song, even when it's not directly controlling the action. These insights may help scientists figure out new ways to treat neurological disorders that impair movement such as Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The research is reported as an advanced online publication on May 20, 2012 by the journal Nature, and will appear at a later date in the journal's print edition.

Years of research conducted in the lab of Michael Brainard, PhD, an associate professor of physiology at UCSF, has shown that adult finches can keep track of slight differences in the individual "syllables," or notes, they play and hear, and make mental computations that allow them to alter the pitch.

For previous experiments, Brainard and his colleagues developed a training process that induced adult finches to calibrate their song. They created a computer program that could recognize the pitch of every syllable the bird sang. The computer also delivered a sound the birds didn't like?a kind of white noise?at the very moment they uttered a specific note. Within a few hours, the finches learned to alter the pitch of that syllable to avoid hearing the unpleasant sound.

In the new research, the UCSF neuroscientists used their technology to investigate how the learning process is controlled by the brain. A prevailing theory suggests that new learning is controlled by a "smart" brain structure called the basal ganglia, a cluster of interconnected brain regions involved in motor control and learning.

"It's the first place where the brain is putting two and two together," said Jonathan Charlesworth, a recent graduate of UCSF's neuroscience PhD program and the first author of the new paper. "If you remove the basal ganglia in a bird that hasn't yet learned to sing, it will never learn to do so."

Once a basic, frequently repeated skill such as typing, singing the same song or shooting a basketball from the free-throw line is learned, the theory suggests, control of that activity is carried out by the motor pathway, the part of the nervous system that transmits signals from the brain to muscles. But for the basic routine to change?for a player to shoot from another spot on the basketball court or a bird to sing at a different pitch?the basal ganglia must again get involved, providing feedback that allows learning based on trial and error, the theory suggests.

What remained unclear is what makes the basal ganglia so "smart" and enables them to support such detailed trial-and-error learning. Was it something to do with their structure? Or were they getting information from elsewhere?

The scientists sought to answer this question by blocking the output of a key basal ganglia circuit while training male finches to alter their song using the white-noise blasts. As long as the basal ganglia were kept from sending signals to the motor pathway, the finches didn't change their tune or show signs of learning. But when Brainard's team stopped blocking the basal ganglia, something surprising happened: the finches immediately changed the pitch of their song, with no additional practice.

"It's as if a golfer went to the driving range and was terrible, hitting the ball into the trees all day and not getting any better," said Charlesworth. "Then, at the end of the day, you throw a switch and all of a sudden you're hitting the fairway like you're Tiger Woods."

Normally, you'd expect improvement in skill performance like this to take time as the basal ganglia evaluates information, makes changes and gets new feedback, Brainard said.

"The surprise here is that the basal ganglia can pay attention, observe what other motor structures are doing and get information even when they aren't involved in motor control," Brainard said. "They covertly learned how to improve skill performance and this explains how they did it."

These findings suggest that the basal ganglia's "smartness" is due in large part to the steady flow of information they receive about the commands of other motor structures. It also portrays the basal ganglia as far more versatile than previously understood, able to learn how to calibrate fine-motor skills by acting as a specialized hub that receives information from various parts of the brain and responds to that information with new directives.

The findings also support the notion that problems in the basal ganglia circuit's ability to receive information and learn from it may help trigger the movement disorders that are symptoms of Huntington's and Parkinson's, Brainard said.


University of California - San Francisco:

Thanks to University of California - San Francisco for this article.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Screening for Lung Cancer Might Benefit Those at Highest Risk

SUNDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- Using low-dose CT scans to screen for lung cancer might save the lives of patients at the greatest risk for the disease, a new analysis suggests.

However, the risks of screening for others aren't clear, the researchers added.

"We have insight into risks, but they are hard to weigh and estimate," said lead researcher Dr. Peter Bach, from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

"It's clear that when you screen you find cancers that otherwise wouldn't appear, and that leads to overtreatment," he said. "It is clear that CTs find lots of things that aren't cancer. About one in five people have something found that will require some sort of follow-up."

There is also an excess radiation risk. In one trial, screening prevented about three deaths per 1,000 people screened, while one in 2,500 might develop cancer from the CT scan, Bach said.

However, in the right population it could theoretically prevent thousands of deaths a year, he explained.

Namely, that population is the heaviest smokers, those who smoke for 30 pack-years or more. A pack-year is the number of cigarettes smoked over time. This means at least a pack a day for 30 years or two packs a day for 15 years.

"For these patients, we recommend that doctors might suggest screening and discuss the risks and benefits," Bach said. "But, no one should be telling people that they must have this test or advertise that it's a lifesaving procedure that will prevent you from dying from lung cancer."

In the end, "there is no substitution for smoking cessation in terms of health benefits," Bach noted.

The report was published online May 20 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

For the study, Bach's team reviewed 21 studies about the benefits and risks of low-dose CT screening for lung cancer.

One of the studies, the National Lung Screening Trial, included more than 53,000 people and found that screening reduced deaths from lung cancer by 20 percent, the researchers said.

The results of that trial were published last June in the New England Journal of Medicine.

However, the other, smaller trials found no benefit from screening, Bach's team noted.

The study authors found that, overall, 20 percent of patients had a scan that needed follow-up, but only 1 percent had lung cancer.

The studies were done in teaching hospitals with experienced radiologists and cancer doctors, Bach noted.

This report is the basis of the screening recommendations adopted by the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

The recommendations state that heavy smokers aged 55 to 74, and those who have quit in the past 15 years, should be offered screening.

But screening should only be done at hospitals that do a lot of this kind of screening. These are usually large or teaching hospitals, because the value of this screening at community hospitals is not known, Bach added.

Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer at the American Lung Association, called the new study a "thoughtful analysis of an important topic."

The American Lung Association conducted a similar review and came to similar conclusions, he said.

The data suggest that screening heavy smokers is likely to reduce death from lung cancer by about 20 percent and all-cause mortality by about 10 percent, he said.

"Given the large cohort to which it pertains, this would be a significant public health achievement," Edelman stated.

However, there remain many unsettled issues, he said.

"One major issue is whether the same results would be observed in the community as opposed to the controlled academic settings in which the study was done," Edelman said. "Accordingly, the American Lung Association report emphasizes the need for screening to be done in centers which can provide low-dose CT screening and a comprehensive multi-specialty environment, so that finding of suspect nodules can be followed up with appropriate [care] rather than undue risk."

Robert Smith, director of cancer screening at the American Cancer Society, said, "These recommendations are consistent" with screening guidelines from similar medical groups.

However, he believes these guidelines will be refined over the years as new data become available.

"The question remains, who else might you endorse lung cancer screening for," Smith said. "Suppose someone had a 35 pack/year history and they were 35 years old, or what if they were 45 years old and had started smoking at the age of 12."

There may be other levels of risk where screening might be beneficial, Smith said: "We will probably learn a lot from trials that are currently under way."

More information

For more on lung cancer, visit the American Lung Association.

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Soldiers who desecrate the dead see themselves as hunters

ScienceDaily (May 20, 2012) ? Modern day soldiers who mutilate enemy corpses or take body-parts as trophies are usually thought to be suffering from the extreme stresses of battle. But, research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) shows that this sort of misconduct has most often been carried out by fighters who viewed the enemy as racially different from themselves and used images of the hunt to describe their actions.

"The roots of this behaviour lie not in individual psychological disorders," says Professor Simon Harrison who carried out the study, "but in a social history of racism and in military traditions that use hunting metaphors for war. Although this misconduct is very rare, it has persisted in predictable patterns since the European Enlightenment. This was the period when the first ideologies of race began to appear, classifying some human populations as closer to animals than others."

European and North American soldiers who have mutilated enemy corpses appear to have drawn racial distinctions of this sort between close and distant enemies. They 'fought' their close enemies, and bodies remained untouched after death, but they 'hunted' their distant enemies and such bodies became the trophies that demonstrate masculine skill.

Almost always, only enemies viewed as belonging to other 'races' have been treated in this way. "This is a specifically racialised form of violence," suggest Professor Harrison, "and could be considered a type of racially-motivated hate crime specific to military personnel in wartime."

People tend to associate head-hunting and other trophy-taking with 'primitive' warfare. They consider wars fought by professional militaries as rational and humane. However, such contrasts are misleading. The study shows that the symbolic associations between hunting and war that can give rise to abnormal behaviour such as trophy-taking in modern military organisations are remarkably close to those in certain indigenous societies where practices such as head-hunting were a recognised part of the culture.

In both cases, mutilation of the enemy dead occurs when enemies are represented as animals or prey. Parts of the corpse are removed like trophies at 'the kill'. Metaphors of 'war-as-hunting' that lie at the root of such behaviour are still strong in some armed forces in Europe and North America -- not only in military training but in the media and in soldiers' own self-perception.

Professor Harrison gives the example of the Second World War and shows that trophy-taking was rare on the European battlefields but was relatively common in the war in the Pacific, where some Allied soldiers kept skulls of Japanese combatants as mementos or made gifts of their remains to friends back home.

The study also gives a more recent comparison: there have been incidents in Afghanistan in which NATO personnel have desecrated the dead bodies of Taliban combatants but there is no evidence of such misconduct occurring in the conflicts of the former Yugoslavia where NATO forces were much less likely to have considered their opponents racially 'distant'.

But, it would be wrong to suggest that such behaviour amounts to a tradition. These practices are usually not explicitly taught. Indeed, they seem to be quickly forgotten after the end of wars and veterans often remain unaware of the extent to which they occurred.

Furthermore, attitudes towards the trophies themselves change as the enemy ceases to be the enemy. The study shows how human remains kept by Allied soldiers after the Pacific War became unwanted memory objects over time, which ex-servicemen or their families often donated to museums. In some cases, veterans have made great efforts to seek out the families of Japanese soldiers in order to return their remains and to disconnect themselves from a disturbing past.

Professor Harrison concludes that human trophy-taking is evidence of the power of metaphor in structuring and motivating human behaviour. "It will probably occur, in some form or other, whenever war, hunting and masculinity are conceptually linked," he says. "Prohibition is clearly not enough to prevent it. We need to recognise the dangers of portraying war in terms of hunting imagery."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), via AlphaGalileo.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fisker leak shows Atlantic production delayed to mid-2014, 0-60 in 6.5 seconds


Our hopes of taking the Fisker Atlantic for a spin next year just got dampened considerably: a big document leak has revealed that the more reasonably-priced alternative to the Karma won't be rolling off the production lines en masse until mid-2014, a year later than we'd expected. Thanks in part to a factory overhaul, the only Atlantics rolling on their hybrid-powered wheels in mid-2013 will be prototypes. On the upside, we've learned more about the car itself, including a fairly brisk 0-60 time of 6.5 seconds courtesy of a 300HP-equivalent motor. Green drivers who thought that the promised lower price would put it into entry-level luxury will nonetheless get a reality check with that $50,000 to $60,000 target, even if it's still a big savings over the six-digit Karma. There's still a huge amount of leeway for things to change, but with our compatriots at Autoblog having confirmed that the documents were real and "highly confidential," they may be a sign that the Tesla Model S will have free rein in the green luxury sedan world for a good year or more.

Fisker leak shows Atlantic production delayed to mid-2014, 0-60 in 6.5 seconds originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 20 May 2012 09:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thunder rally past Lakers, take 3-1 series lead

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant, right, goes up for a shot as Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum defends during the first half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant, right, goes up for a shot as Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum defends during the first half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant wipes his face during the second half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal against the Oklahoma City Thunder, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. The Thunder won 103-100. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant celebrates during the second half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal against the Los Angeles Lakers, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. The Thunder won 103-100. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, right, puts up a shot as Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka defends during the first half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Oklahoma City Thunder's Kevin Durant, center, goes up for a basket as he is defended by Los Angeles Lakers' Andrew Bynum, left, and Jordan Hill during the second half in Game 4 of an NBA basketball playoffs Western Conference semifinal in Los Angeles, Saturday, May 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

(AP) ? Kevin Durant stood above the 3-point line and watched the shot clock dwindle in the final seconds of Game 4. When Metta World Peace backed up slightly on defense, Durant hesitated only an instant before launching a 26-footer.

"It left my hand, (and) I was thinking, 'If this doesn't go in, it's going to be a terrible shot,'" Durant said.

The three-time scoring champ trusts his instincts and his silky-smooth jumper. Neither let him down while he and Russell Westbrook engineered yet another late comeback that pushed a frustrated Kobe Bryant to the brink.

Westbrook scored 10 of his 37 points during a stirring fourth-quarter rally, Durant added 31 points and hit that tiebreaking 3-pointer with 13.7 seconds left, and the Thunder seized control of their second-round series with a 103-100 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Saturday night.

Serge Ibaka scored 14 points and the second-seeded Thunder took a 3-1 series lead with a rally from a 13-point deficit in the final 8 minutes, moving one win away from their second straight trip to the Western Conference finals.

"Everybody kept fighting," Westbrook said. "We all believed in each other. It's the playoffs. You can't afford to sit back and wonder about it."

Game 5 is Monday night in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma City improved to 7-1 in the postseason with a tenacious rally on the second night of back-to-back games against the Lakers and Bryant, who scored 38 points but struggled in the fourth quarter of Los Angeles' fifth loss in seven games. After Durant put the Thunder ahead with his shot-clock-draining 3-pointer, Kobe couldn't match it with 10 seconds left.

With a surge that seemed inevitable to the Lakers' worried crowd, Durant and Westbrook led the Thunder back with teamwork throughout a 32-point fourth quarter. Bryant was left lamenting the help he didn't get ? particularly from four-time All-Star Pau Gasol, who made the unforced turnover that led to Durant's decisive 3.

"Pau has got to be more aggressive," Bryant said of Gasol, who managed just 10 points and five rebounds while committing three turnovers. "He's got to be aggressive, got to shoot the ball, drive to the basket, and he will next game. ... (The turnover was) just a bad read on Pau's part. It happens."

The Thunder finished Game 4 on a 22-8 run, punctuated by Durant's dramatic 3-pointer and two late free throws from James Harden, who had 12 points. After sweeping Dallas in the first round, the Thunder are one win away from sending home the NBA's last two champions ? and in perhaps the greatest measure of the Thunder's growth over the two years since the Lakers ushered them out of the first round on the way to their second straight title, nobody seems surprised.

"We know no game is over," Durant said. "We've witnessed that before. We play hard every possession and live with the results, and we came out on top."

Andrew Bynum had 18 points and nine rebounds for the Lakers, who led 92-81 with 7:45 to play before Westbrook went to work with a furious series of drives to the hoop. The UCLA product scored nine points in just over 2 minutes, and Kendrick Perkins capped the 17-4 run on a putback layup with 1:16 left, putting Oklahoma City up 98-96 with its first lead since the first quarter.

After Bryant evened it with two free throws, Westbrook and Pau Gasol then traded turnovers, with Durant swiping Gasol's careless pass before burying a straightaway 3-pointer that silenced Staples Center. The Thunder made 10 of their 15 shots in the final period.

"I wish I could sit up here and say how that happened," Oklahoma City coach Scott Brooks said. "It just happened."

World Peace had 14 points in the second game of the Lakers' first back-to-back playoff games in 13 years. A night after the Lakers got back in the series with a late comeback for a 99-96 victory in Game 3, Los Angeles led for most of the night, but couldn't execute on offense late, struggling for even difficult shots.

"We can talk about us offensively, because we had some struggles," Lakers coach Mike Brown said. "But it comes down to those guys scoring 32 points in the fourth quarter, and I thought they did that very easily. That's the most disappointing thing."

The game was the third NBA playoff contest in 27 hours at Staples Center, which will host six playoff games in hockey and basketball over a four-day stretch this weekend. With the Los Angeles Kings' ice just below the Lakers' court, several players appeared to slip and slide on the floor during the game, and Westbrook nearly did the splits at the halftime buzzer when his right foot slipped.

"I was a little stiff, but we needed this win," Westbrook said.

Oklahoma City appeared to be unhappy with the floor's condition, but Staples Center did nothing different in its changeover, and the referees deemed the floor safe for play. The San Antonio Spurs, on course to meet the Thunder in the conference finals, didn't appear worried about the floor during their win over the Clippers.

Bryant shot poorly in the first three games of the series, but went 10 for 18 in the first three quarters of Game 4 before managing only a 2-of-10 effort in the fourth, including a meaningless bucket at the buzzer.

"We're all upset and extremely frustrated, (but) I don't think anybody is worried about going into Oklahoma City and getting a win," Bryant said. "We don't think about winning three in a row."

Jordan Hill's offensive rebound and layup put the Lakers up 91-78 with 8 minutes left, but longtime Lakers guard Derek Fisher kick-started Oklahoma City's comeback with a 3-pointer.

After Oklahoma City defended its home court with a blowout win in the opener and a comeback from a seven-point deficit in the final 2 minutes of Game 2, the Lakers finally answered Friday night with their own late rally. Los Angeles took control of Game 4 early on while the Thunder struggled with their shots and their footing.

Westbrook slipped near midcourt at the halftime buzzer, his right foot sliding forward when he attempted to stop. He stayed down on the court for an uncomfortably long moment before walking gingerly to the locker room with his hand on his left hip, but got treatment at halftime and returned for the third quarter.

The game was Chapter 4 in the four-day extravaganza at Staples Center. The Kings play Game 4 of the Western Conference finals against Phoenix on Sunday afternoon, followed by the Clippers' fourth game against San Antonio ? all while tens of thousands of fans gather outside to watch the Tour of California, the nation's largest cycling race, which finishes on the street outside shortly before the Kings' opening faceoff.

NOTES: The Lakers hadn't played back-to-back postseason games since the second round in 1999, another season shortened by labor strife. ... Westbrook and Perkins were called for technical fouls for angry reactions to contact with the Lakers' point guards. ... Denzel Washington, Allyson Felix and Michelle Kwan attended the game.

Associated Press

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