Wednesday, July 31, 2013

FBI arrests 150 alleged pimps, rescues 105 kids forced into prostitution

FBI arrests 150: The FBI arrested 150 suspected pimps in a three-day, 76-city sweep that also rescued 105 child prostitutes, the FBI announced Monday.?

By Pete Yost,?Associated Press / July 29, 2013

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, speaks to reporters about "Operation Cross Country" at FBI headquarters in Washington, July 29. The FBI says the operation rescued 105 children who were forced into prostitution in the United States and arrested 150 people it described as pimps. From left: John Ryan, CEO of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Drew Oosterbaan, chief of the DOJ Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, and Hosko.

Evan Vucci/AP


The FBI said Monday that authorities arrested 150 alleged pimps and rescued 105 young people in a three-day sweep in 76 cities. FBI officials called child?prostitution a "persistent threat" in America.

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The agency said it had been monitoring and other websites as a prominent online marketplace for sex for sale. said that it was "very, very pleased" by the raids and that if the website were shut down to the advertisements, the ads would be pushed to sites that wouldn't cooperate with law enforcement.

The young people in the roundup, almost all of them girls, ranged in age from 13 to 17.

The largest numbers of children rescued in the weekend initiative, Operation Cross Country, were in San Francisco, Detroit, Milwaukee, Denver and New Orleans. The operation was conducted under the FBI's decade-long Innocence Lost National Initiative. The latest rescues and arrests were the largest such enforcement action to date.

"Child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across the country," Ron Hosko, assistant director of the bureau's criminal investigative division, told a news conference. "We're trying to put this spotlight on pimps and those who would exploit."

In Operation Cross Country, federal, state and local authorities cooperated in an intelligence effort aimed at identifying pimps and their young victims.

The FBI said the campaign has resulted in rescuing 2,700 children since 2003. The investigations and convictions of 1,350 individuals have led to life imprisonment for 10 pimps and the seizure of more than $3.1 million in assets.

In their efforts to identify child victims, investigators seek help wherever they can find it ? in some cases from adult prostitutes, Hosko said. He said almost all the victims in sweeps like the one over the weekend are girls and that the profiles of the victims cut across racial lines and boundaries of wealth.

Social media are a common denominator in many of the rescues.

Last year, five members of the Underground Gangster Crips contacted teens at school or through Facebook, or other online social networking sites, enticing the girls to use their looks to earn money through prostitution.


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Hexagon Tiles: A Colorful, Sustainable, Unusual Wall Pattern

Tr?ullit Dekor Hexagon by FORM US WITH LOVE from Form Us With Love on Vimeo.

Here's a new idea I'm sure you'll be seeing more of: Hexagonal tiles made from pressed wood material, used as an interior wall covering.

This particular product and others like it are gaining ground fast on image-sharing sites such as Pinterest. These tiles intrigued me, so I did some poking around looking for the original source. I found it here at this Stockholm-based art studio, along with the story behind the making of this material, which is pretty cool. Logs are essentially shredded to create little wooden fibers, which are combined with cement and a water-based mixture and pressed into forms.

The resulting product is renewable, easy to install, and has excellent insulating qualities for both energy and sound. The possibilities are endless. Now if I could just find a log-shredding machine.

Tim Layton is a home and DIY blogger for Popular Mechanics. Follow him on Twitter: @RemodelingGuy


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Former budget officer Kevin Page wants to build fiscal studies institute at University of Ottawa

OTTAWA ? A new fiscal studies institute at the University of Ottawa would give governments and politicians ?data points and evidence-based analysis? that could be used in decision-making, says Canada?s former federal budget officer.

Kevin Page, who started working at the university a few weeks ago, wants to build such an office.

?This could be something that parliaments and Canadians could benefit a lot by,? he said Monday.

?There?s lots of work to do, big issues that we haven?t tackled yet. Healthcare issues, climate-change issues, tax-reform issues, inequality issues. We could use some of these resources and perhaps provide more research, more evidence based-type decision-making for parliamentarians ? both the executive, but also the opposition parties as well.?

Page has been named the Jean-Luc Pepin Research Chair on Canadian Government at the university, a three-year post. The chair was established in memory of Pepin, a former politician and political scientist who taught at the university, and is ?dedicated to the study of Canadian political institutions and their transformation in light of the changing conditions and practices of contemporary democratic governance,? according to the school?s website.

Page will also teach courses on public administration and economics in the faculty of social sciences. The university stated Monday that he intends to work toward ?the creation of a new institute dedicated to taxation issues.?

Page was appointed to a five-year term as federal parliamentary budget officer (PBO) in March 2008, after the Conservative government established the office through the Accountability Act in 2006.

During a trip to London, Page was impressed by the work of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, which has been around for four decades, he said. That institute?s goal is ?to promote effective economic and social policies by understanding better their impact on individuals, families, businesses and the government?s finances.?

Canada doesn?t have the same number and quality of think-tanks as some other countries, said Page, and the institute he wants to create would also help to better connect universities with parliament.

?To me, it totally makes sense to build it in Ottawa. This is the nation?s capital. We need as many strong data points (as possible),? he said.

Depending on the eventual size of the office, the work it does will sort itself out, he said ? ?how much of it will be looking at the economy, the fiscal situation, how much will be helping different levels of government with costing of new programs and legislation.?

About $2 million a year would be required to run the institute, Page estimated, and a business model and fundraising efforts are needed. (The PBO office had an annual budget of about $2.8 million.)

Contract work can also help with some of the costs, Page said, with projects ranging from municipal to international work. Planners have already talked to provinces about various types of projects such as procurements and ?fiscal framework-related issues,? he said.


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Texas Woman Realizes Dream of Being Firefighter

July 28--Bernie Gonzalez knew she wanted to be a firefighter the moment she got her hands on a fire hose at age 6.

"I was just shocked I actually got to spray it," Gonzalez said with a smile, remembering how the thrill of that school field day inspired a lifelong dream.

The 23-year-old is the Midland Fire Department's newest addition and second female firefighter in its history. It's a reality that didn't hit her -- even after a year of studying at the academy -- until she started the A shift this month at the city's Central Fire Station.

Living the dream

Gonzalez -- whose border patrol father kept the family moving from Arizona to California and South Carolina -- originally came to the area to play softball for Midland College. She heard that an associates or bachelor's degree earned more points in the firefighter hiring process, so she dedicated herself to school and sport.

But math, history and other subjects never kept Gonzalez's focus. That changed when she joined the fire academy.

"I had straight As because it was really something I was interested in, and it was really fun to learn," Gonzalez said. " I never really loved school, but once I started the academy, I loved it."

Gonzalez is still studying to be a paramedic -- a MFD requirement -- and said her fire education will probably never end.

"My instructors told me, 'You start school now, and you're never going to finish.' There are tons of classes you can take. I didn't know there was so much to learn," she said.

Gonzalez's ambition is what stood out to Manuel Heredia, an EMS training captain for the department.

"She's really eager to learn," Heredia said. "She's very mature for her age in how she carries herself and her work ethic."

The training captain is tasked with preparing a new generation of firefighters for emergency medical services, which he said make up 80 percent of the calls in Midland. But Heredia doesn't see that being an issue with Gonzalez or any other young firefighter.

"The new generation -- the millineals -- have a different way of thinking," he said. "They are very civic-minded. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves."

Stephen Forbes, MFD training chief, sees a lot of similarities between her and the department's first female firefighter, Tanya Martin. He also was impressed by Gonzalez on the drill field.

Gonzalez said she was in shape after a lifetime of playing baseball and softball but had to work on her upper body strength after joining the academy to keep up with the guys.

"We have lower body strength, and they have upper body strength," she said.

Still, Gonzalez's ability to push herself and improve her weaknesses stood out to her instructors.

"Physically, she's as fit -- maybe even more so -- than most of us," Heredia said.

When Gonzalez joined the department, she said the last thing she wanted was to be treated differently because she's a woman.

"I told them from the beginning I don't want special treatment," she said.

First fire

Gonzalez works 24-hour shifts three days a week. When she's not out on a call, she spends her time studying at the station and waiting for the alarm to sound, which finally went off several weeks ago when a Ford 150 went up in flames on Farm-to-Market Road 1788.

"We pulled out, and I wasn't expecting a fire because it took us forever to get out there," she said. "It was fully in flames; I got to put it out. It was fun, but it took longer than I thought."

Gonzalez said she accepts the risks of firefighting, even if it scares her mother, Norma. But the idea of dealing with fatalities does concern her.

"I didn't know how I was going to handle it -- not being able to save everybody," she said.

But she finds strength in the support of her family, which includes her father, Ed, and her brother, Eddie -- who's in the Air Force. And even though she's used to moving around a lot, Gonzalez anticipates being a firefighter for a long time -- perhaps even in Midland.

"Every single day you come to work, there's something different going on," she said. "I love everything about it so far."

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Monday, July 29, 2013

'True Blood's' killing spree continues


9 hours ago

Image: Tara tries to protect Jason at Vamp Camp.

John P. Johnson / HBO

Tara tries to protect Jason at Vamp Camp.

Just last week, "True Blood" fans bid a sad farewell to good-guy Terry and a not-so-sad so long to Governor Burrell. (They may or may not have even noticed the one Vamp Camp hand-donor who met her end or the sniper Eric staked. But hey, you've got to have a name for your death to really count in Bon Temps.)

Now that the season is just past the halfway point, it seems safe to assume the death and destruction are just getting started ? especially after one more character joined the list dearly departed on Sunday night.

A real reason for revenge
As it turned out, even Bill's blood ? which a distraught Eric begged for ? wasn't enough to save Nora from the new killer, hepatitis V.

While Eric held his sister in his arms, she dissolved into a massive pile of bloody goop. (And here's hoping that's not one of the many ways the disease is contracted).

If Governor Burrell thought he got the best of Eric when he had Nora infected, he thought wrong. The stakes were already high for the Viking vampire, but now the war is personal.

Pucker up!
Then again, it doesn't really matter what the governor thought when he shot Nora with hep V, considering that he's long gone now too. Well ? that's not quite accurate. Sure, the politician is dead, but his head was right where Bill left it when Sarah stopped by for a visit.

That's how Burrell's gal pal got the news. But instead of going with the run-away-screaming-and-crying reaction one would expect from a loved one, Sarah hunkered down for some quality time with the head.

First she planted one last lip lock on what was left of her man, then she soothed him (for all the good it did) with these words: "Know that your death was not in vain for it will galvanize the forces against the evil we fight."

And she intends to lead the way for those forces. So forget Billith. Forget Warlow. Heck, forget the gov. Truebies, it looks like Sarah Newlin is shaping up to be the real big bad this season.

A woman scorned
As if to prove that point, Sarah went straight back to Vamp Camp and met up with her former love (well, sex) interest and current blackmailer Jason. Apparently, with the governor out of the picture, she was no longer worried about Jason's threats to reveal her less-than-honorable ways.

With no leverage, Jason was out of his new job as Vamp Camp's goon-with-a-heart-of-gold. But that wasn't his punishment. Sarah had her thugs leave Jason with a wound before throwing him in with the hungry vampire ladies of the gen-pop cell block.

Lone wolf
But Jason's not the only one with women problems. On his way back from handling the Sam situation, Alcide told his girlfriend a fib.

The pack master claimed he killed Sam and Nicole, so they couldn't put the pack at risk. But Rikki wasn't buying that story ? mainly because she was holding Nicole (and her poor mom) hostage. With that reveal out of the way, the growling pack circled Alcide.

It seems safe to say the Shreveport gang won't back off after a few snarls. In fact, given their past demonstrations of bloodlust and bad-dog behavior, Alice will be lucky if he's not added to the "True Blood" body count next week. (Viewers who've grown tired of Alcide's proud-wolf-turned-total-jerk act this season wouldn't be able to count themselves as lucky though.)


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Marlins hitting coach Tino Martinez resigns amid abuse claims

Tino Martinez has allegedly abused some of his Marlins hitters.
Tino Martinez has allegedly abused some of his Marlins hitters. (USATSI)

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Marlins hitting coach Tino Martinez resigned Sunday amid allegations he abused a player according to the Associated Press.

The club has announced that John Pierson is the interim hitting coach. He'll join the club Monday.

But the big news is obviously Martinez stepping down.

"I want to apologize to the Marlins organization for my behavior," Martinez said (AP). "I have made some comments to certain players at certain times that I thought was more constructive criticism. Obviously, they didn't feel that way, and it kind of backfired on me."

Rookie Derek Dietrich -- who has since been sent to the minors -- is among Marlins players claiming intimidation and abuse by Martinez. The second baseman said Martinez "erupted in anger unjustly and grabbed him by his neck and neck chain," according to an earlier Miami Herald report. Martinez has admitted that he once touched a player in anger, saying he grabbed Dietrich by the jersey earlier this season.

Other team members allege Martinez, who'd never coached before this season, when he was hand-picked by owner Jeffrey Loria to be a part of new manager Mike Redmond's staff, had been verbally abusive on numerous occasions since spring training started in February.

Loria initially urged Martinez not to resign, but when the story became public, the move was made.

One player, speaking anonymously, told the paper, "It's all shocked everybody. ... He uses intimidation. It's been a problem since day one."

More on the issue, via

Dietrich's agent, David Meter, would neither confirm nor deny that the incident took place.

?I'd rather not address it,? Meter said. ?I think it's a team issue.?

A team official refused to say whether the club is looking into the matter.

?I'm sure if there is an issue, it will be addressed,? said Marlins spokesman P.J. Loyello.

The Major League Baseball Players' Association was notified of the alleged incident, as well as others involving Martinez, and the union then contacted the Commisioner's office. That office is expected to contact the Marlins on Tuesday to see how the matter is being resolved, sources said.

Martinez and manager Mike Redmond weren't on the field at the start of batting practice before Friday's game. Instead, two sources said they were meeting privately with Marlins front office executives to discuss the allegation.


According to sources who have witnessed Martinez's profanity-laced eruptions, other players who have been attacked verbally by Martinez include outfielder Justin Ruggiano, infielder Chris Valaika and minor-league infielder Matt Downs. Another source said the list of players is much larger than that.

Additionally, Danny Knobler is hears that there are five separate cases against Martinez and the Sun Sentinel reports that Martinez and Redmond were "at odds."

A two-time All-Star, Martinez, 45, retired from baseball in 2005 after an admirable 16-year career spent mostly with the Yankees and Mariners. His general reputation is that of a nice guy, so the above report is pretty surprising.

"I just thought with some young players you needed to be a little firmer and try to get them on the right track," he said (AP). "I probably used some four-letter words. I thought I was doing the right thing. Obviously, I wasn't."

As for coaching again, he's not sure.

"I don't know long term how it's going to affect me," he said (AP). "Right now I'm disappointed in myself. I'm embarrassed. Right now I'm not worried about the future. I just want to make sure my family is OK."


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Sorry, Prince George! Cyber-squatters are snatching up all your domains


3 hours ago

If you head to, you'll see the official website of Prince Harry. But if you check out, you'll see large letters proclaim "domain for sale." Hundreds of domains have already been registered under variations of the new prince's name ? in hopes of a profit.

Cyber-squatting ? or domain-squatting ? is the practice of registering domains which could be of particular interest to an individual or organization. This often includes variations of trademarked names and can sometimes even involve negative content related to the user who might be interested in the the squatted domain in order to pressure him or her into purchasing it.

?I?d never done anything like this before but I?d read about someone registering the previous Pope?s name and selling it on for a profit so I thought I?d see what was available," website designer David Henderson, the current owner of, told the Telegraph.

As Henderson notes, domain-squatting is not really a new practice. In the past we've seen someone register in order to create a website called "People Eating Tasty Animals," much to the dismay of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). A man named Mike Rowe got into hot water with software giant Microsoft after registering and house parody websites. The list goes on.

"I?m a big fan of the Royal family so I certainly don?t intend to hold them to ransom, I just thought it might be an address I could sell to someone in the future," Henderson clarifies.

Considering that domain registrar tells the Telegraph that over 400 domains based on Prince George's name have already been registered, it's possible that not everyone has the same mentality.

Poor Prince George won't even have much luck on Twitter either, where a Canadian man named George Wells has been sitting on the @PrinceGeorge handle since early 2009.

Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Never Be Pocket-less With A Gadget Again

Never Be Pocket-less With A Gadget Again

Sometimes you realize that the shorts you put on don't actually have pockets or that the pockets on your jacket are really inaccessible. And then your day is ruined. If you had a t-shirt with a clear plastic gadget pocket this would never have been an issue. Obviously.



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Sony Vaio VPCSB1BGX/B Smart Network Software for Windows 8

This utility installs the originally shipped version of the VAIO Smart Network software.

Important Notes
- During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights.
- To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
- Print out these instructions for use as a reference during the installation process.

It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Do not forget to check with our site as often as possible in order to stay updated on the latest drivers, software and games.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed a wrong driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Man admits to captivity, abuse of 3 Ohio women

CLEVELAND (AP) ? A man accused of kidnapping three women, keeping them captive in his Cleveland home for a decade and raping them repeatedly is waiting to be sentenced after pleading guilty in a deal to avoid the death penalty.

Ariel Castro, 53, a former school bus driver, pleaded guilty Friday to 937 counts in the deal, which sends him to prison for life without parole, plus 1,000 years.

Wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, eyeglasses and a bushy beard, Castro was far more engaged than in previous court appearances when he mostly kept his head down and eyes closed. He answered the judge's questions in a clear voice, saying he understood that he would never be released from prison and adding that he expected he was "going to get the book thrown at me."

He told the judge he was addicted to pornography, had a "sexual problem" and was himself the victim of sexual abuse long ago.

"My addiction to pornography and my sexual problem has really taken a toll on my mind," he said.

The judge accepted Castro's plea, declared him guilty, and set his sentencing for Thursday.

The women, who did not attend the court proceeding, said in a statement they were relieved by the conviction.

"They are satisfied by this resolution to the case, and are looking forward to having these legal proceedings draw to a final close," said the statement released on their behalf.

Castro's uncle, Julio Castro, who has run a nearby corner store for 44 years, said the ordeal will be with the family the rest of their lives.

"He's getting what he deserves," Castro, 77, said. "Nobody has the right to incarcerate you for 10 years."

The three women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were in their teens or early 20s. Each said she had accepted a ride from Castro, who had remained friends with the family of one of the women and attended vigils over the years marking her disappearance.

The women escaped from his home May 6 when one of them kicked out part of a door and called to neighbors for help. Castro was arrested and jailed shortly afterward.

He had been scheduled for trial in August on a 977-count indictment, but 40 counts were dropped Friday as part of the plea deal.

Castro was accused of restraining the women, sometimes chaining them to a pole in a basement, to a bedroom heater or inside a van. The indictment included two counts of aggravated murder related to accusations that he punched and starved one of the women until she miscarried.

Gina DeJesus, Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight disappeared when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old. Castro fathered a 6-year-old daughter with Berry, now 27, authorities say.

Prosecutors said Friday they will recommend at the sentencing that Castro have no contact with the girl he fathered. There's "zero chance" he'll ever be allowed to see her, Prosecutor Tim McGinty said.

McGinty said the county will use more than $20,000 seized from Castro to tear down his house within a month, and two abandoned houses next door will be razed and a vacant lot acquired for a park.


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Kathleen Gage: What You Absolutely Must Do Once You Write a Book!

Guest post by Kathleen Gage

?Writing the book is the easy part. Then begins the work.?

This is a statement very few authors want to hear, yet those who pay heed to it are the ones who will sell books.

Many authors live with the mistaken belief that all they need do is write their book and the rest will take care of itself. They think the book will take on a life of its own and somehow, someway be found by an agent. The agent would then find a big name publisher. The big name publisher would get the author on a bunch of major shows. The shows will fuel sales, and the book miraculously becomes an and New York Times bestseller.

This scene unfolds countless times with naive authors. The fact is, as an author it is up to you to take control of marketing and promoting your book.

Power Up for Profits banner

If you?re serious about selling books you have to put more effort into marketing your book than writing it.

Recently I surveyed a group of several hundred authors. ?What?s your greatest challenge with marketing and selling your book?? was the only question I asked.

The results were as follows:

38% knowledge
33% time
17% money
7% fear
5% other

Sadly, even when many authors are told they must market their book, they fail to get into massive action to raise awareness about their works.

Three of the most effective marketing strategies are:


Guest blogging

Email marketing

Endorsements are simply when others say how good a book is rather than the author blowing his or her own horn. Don?t get me wrong, I believe we need to blow our own horn, but as in the case with my most recent book, Power Up for Profits, I have the likes of Suzanne Evans, Peggy McColl, Dr. Joe Vitale, John Kremer, Eva Gregory, Adam Urbanski, and Steve Olsher giving glowing endorsements.

Within my industry the above mentioned names carry a lot of weight. If someone is considering whether or not to buy my book, endorsements from industry experts can be a huge part of the final decision the buyer makes.

Guest blogging opportunities are likely one of the best ways to reach new readers, yet a very underutilized resource.

Since you like to write anyway (well I?m assuming you do since you?re a writer), it?s simply a matter of reaching out to the right blog owners to offer a featured blog post.

The easiest way to create ample guest blogging opportunities is to make sure your writing is viewed in locations such as article directories, forums, and your own blog.

When a blog owner can review your writing, they will be more likely to invite you to contribute to their blog rather than taking a huge risk with someone who has nothing published online.

Email marketing is an absolute must do. However, in order to do so, you need a list of subscribers.

Whenever I release a new book or information product I always let my opt-in subscribers know.

Start now to build your list to reap the benefits for years to come.

Here?s a bonus strategy?? offer live presentations. Speaking engagements are one of my personal favorites. I love the platform and love when I connect with my audience. When you are in your zone and you connect with an audience, they are eager to buy your books.

To get the most out of your marketing efforts you need to implement a multi-pronged approach for your books ? pre-launch, launch and post-launch.

Pre-launch should start as much as six to twelve months before your book is published. Use pre-launch as an opportunity to build your opt-in list, reach out to joint venture and affiliate partners, contact the media, and secure interview and guest blogging opportunities.

Launch happens shortly after the book is published. To get the most out of your marketing efforts plan to have a very targeted promotions campaign for a specific period of time for the book. One of the main objectives is to increase the book?s position on Amazon. Include guest blogging, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and email marketing.

Post launch is what you do once the book is published, you have had a very targeted short term, highly focused promotions and now the novelty has worn off. Post launch is an ongoing process that includes many of the same elements as the launch but it?s more spread out and not as frenzied. By having the long term in mind you will definitely enjoy greater success for your books.

About Kathleen Gage

Power Up for Profits by Kathleen GageKathleen Gage is the ?no-nonsense, common sense? online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up for Profits. Kathleen helps entrepreneurs make money online. Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.

Kathleen?s mission is to help people understand that their business is merely a means to get their message out to the world. She teaches that it?s not just about what you do, but the reasons behind why you do it.

Her newest book, Power Up For Profits; The Smart Woman?s Guide to Online Marketing, is the perfect resource for any author who wants to reach more of their market in the fastest, most cost-effective method possible. For a limited time, when you order the book through Amazon, you receive Kathleen?s full Six Figure List Building Program and Sell Thousands from Any Platform. Go to for full details.

About John Kremer

John Kremer is author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, the Relationship Matters Marketing program, and many other books and reports on book marketing, Internet marketing, social media, and book publicity. -- John Kremer on Book Marketing.

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Dallas Personal Injury Attorney ? Blog Archive ? FAQ: What is ...

by?Tim O?Hare

Follow The Law Offices of Tim O?Hare on?Facebook,Twitter,?LinkedIn?&?Google+.

In a personal injury case, liability refers to a person or entity being responsible for the damages suffered by another party in an injury-producing accident. In any personal injury claim, liability of one party must be established in order for an injured victim to recover any financial compensation for his or her claim.

It is the responsibility of the victim to prove liability. In some cases, more than one party may be found liable. For example, in a trucking accident, the driver may be found liable, but his or her employer may also be found partly responsible as well.?Another example of a case where more than one party may be found negligent is a three-car accident where two people acted negligently, causing someone to be injured.

Negligence is the most common theory of liability in a personal injury case. Negligence?means that the person or entity that?caused the accident acted in an unreasonable manner.?For example, a person may be found negligent in a car accident case if he or she was found to be speeding at the time of the accident, or perhaps ran a red light.

Proving negligence isn?t always obvious. To prove negligence, the injured party must establish that the defendant had a responsibility to take reasonable care to prevent an accident, and failed to do so. It must also be established that injury or harm to another person occurred as a result of one party?s negligence in order to recover damages.

Premises liability and products liability are two other types of situations that may be actionable. Premises liability stems from an accident occurring as a result of a hazard on someone?s property. Products liability is an all-encompassing term when someone is injured due to a product defect. A common example of this type of case is an injury due to a faulty automobile design, which result in the infamous recall.

Premises Liability???Property owners have a responsibility for maintaining their property in such a way that others are not risk of injury while on the property. A premises liability claim can be brought against a negligent property owner of commercial or private property. Most premises liability claims, however, are brought against owners of commercial properties.

Products Liability???Every year, thousands of recalls are issued on products, from vehicles to food to household items, because those items are defective or contaminated and are a potential harm to consumers. Manufacturers have a responsibility to uphold the integrity of their products, and to inform the public if they are at risk of injury, illness or death due to a defective product. Consumers who are injured by a defective product can file a legal claim against the manufacturer of that product.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 injured after jetliner's nose gear collapses on landing; New York's LaGuardia Airport reopens

Watch the landing of Southwest Airlines Flight 345 at LaGuardia Airport in exclusive video obtained by NBC New York.

By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News

A runway at?New York's LaGuardia Airport was reopened Tuesday after a disabled Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 skidded to a hard landing Monday evening as its front landing gear collapsed, authorities said.

The Port Authority said crews with cranes lifted the jet from the runway onto a flatbed truck. Officials announced on Tuesday morning that the runway had been reopened.

At least 10 people of the 149 on board the flight from Nashville, Tenn., suffered minor injuries in the incident.

The jet came to a stop on Runway 4 at 5:45 p.m. ET, said Thomas Bosco, the airport's general manager and acting aviation director for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Four others refused treatment, he said.

LaGuardia Airport General Manager Thomas Bosco says the nose gear of a Southwest Airlines flight collapsed, causing it to have a hard landing.

The airport, which was closed after the accident, was reopened at 7 p.m. ET, Bosco said. Inbound flights are being delayed as much as two hours, according to the flight-tracking website Flight Aware. Outbound delays are minimal.

There was no immediate explanation for why the landing gear malfunctioned. The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday night that the pilot "reported possible front landing gear issues before landing," but it gave no further details.

The National Transportation Safety Board said it was sending an investigator to gather information. It told NBC News that it hadn't yet decided whether to dispatch a full investigative team.

About a dozen emergency vehicles surrounded the Southwest plane, whose passengers evacuated by the rear chute and were taken by bus to the terminal. Bosco said none of the injuries occurred during the evacuation.

"It's a surreal scene here given what just happened in the Bay Area," Sam Brock of NBC Bay Area, who saw the incident from another plane he was on at the airport, told?NBC New York in an on-air telephone interview, referring to the crash of Asiana Flight 214 early this month at San Francisco International Airport.

Brock said the pilot of his flight told passengers that there were no serious injuries and no sign of fire or flames on the Southwest plane.

Steve Czech, who was on the runway waiting for his American Airlines flight to take off, told NBC New York that he saw the Southwest plane touch down.

"There was just this fireball going down the runway. It was unbelievable ? it was probably 300 yards from us, if that," Czech said.

"Clearly, there was no nose gear," he said. "It was just screeching down the runway, fire on both sides. There was debris kind of rolling off to the sides."

John Blackman and Kip Whitlock of NBC News contributed to this report.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Mangalore: ABVP wins Mangalore University election

Mangalore: ABVP wins Mangalore University election

Daijiworld Media Network ? Mangalore

Mangalore, Jul 19: Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) has scored a huge victory in the Mangalore University students' union elections, winning 26 of the 31 seats.

The election at Mangalore University has always generated much interest among the students. In this year?s election, representatives from ABVP, NSUI and CFI had contested.

In the election, ABVP by securing 26 out of 31, won the elections with majority. NSUI managed to garner only 5 seats while Campus Front of India (CFI) did not open its account.

Sandesh K L, IIIrd BSc was elected the president of the student council, Mahesh Raj from IIIrd BA as secretary, Avinash from IIIrd BA as fine arts secretary, Shwetha from IIIrd BBM as joint secretary and Pavitra from IIIrd B Com as fine arts joint?secretary.

After the election, student association officials like state secretary Ramesh K, city secretary Yathish Kumar, former president Guru Prasad, Tejassu, Yashodara congratulated the winners.

The ABVP activists then took out a victory rally in the city. The rally started from University College and passed through AB Shetty circle, clock tower, KS Rao road, PVS circle, MG Road, MCC, Gokarnath college, Ladyhill, Lalbagh, Bunts Hostel, Jyothi and Hampankatta.

ABVP representatives have also won in various college elections. ABVP will not allow campus politics in the colleges, said a media release.

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