Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pythons link to mammals decline

Non-native Burmese pythons are the likely cause of a severe mammal decline in Florida's Everglades.

A team studied road surveys of mammals in the Everglades National Park before and after pythons became common.

Researchers found a strong link between the spread of pythons and drops in recorded sightings of racoons, rabbits, bobcats and other species.

In PNAS journal, they report that observations of several mammal species have declined by 90% or more.

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?Start Quote

They are a new top predator in Everglades National Park - one that shouldn't be there?

End Quote Prof Michael E Dorcas Davidson College, North Carolina

The national park covers the southern 25% of the original Everglades - a region of subtropical wetlands that has been drained over the last century to reclaim it for human use.

The origins of Burmese pythons in south Florida are unknown, but many were imported into the US through the pet trade.

As the pythons have made it from captivity into the wild, the absence of natural predators has allowed populations to balloon. Intermittent sightings were recorded for 20 years before the snakes were recognised as being established across the Everglades in 2000.

The pythons are now established across thousands of sq km in southern Florida. Although there are no accurate figures for how many there are, the numbers removed from the Everglades reached nearly 400 in 2009 and has been increasing year-on-year (apart from a slight drop in 2010 due to a cold spell).

"Any snake population - you are only seeing a small fraction of the numbers that are actually out there," said Prof Michael Dorcas, one of the study's authors, from Davidson College in North Carolina.

He told BBC News: "They are a new top predator in Everglades National Park - one that shouldn't be there,"

"We have documented pythons eating alligators, we have also documented alligators eating pythons. It depends on who is biggest during the encounter."

Earlier this month, US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the US was poised to approve a ban on importing Burmese pythons. But some observers remarked that the move was about 30 years too late.

Getting ambushed

Prof Dorcas and his colleagues looked at data on mammals found during roadkill surveys from 1993-1999, and on live and dead mammals encountered during nighttime road surveys from 1996-1997.

They then compared these results with similar data collected between 2003 and 2011, after the pythons were recognised as being established.

They found that observations of raccoons and opossums had dropped by about 99%. There had been a 94.1% fall in observations of white-tailed deer and an 87.5% decrease in sightings of bobcats.

No rabbits or foxes were seen during the more recent survey; rabbits were among the most common mammals in the roadkill survey between 1993 and 1999.

The majority of these species have been documented in the diet of pythons found in the Everglades National Park. Indeed, raccoons and oppossums often forage at the water's edge, where they are vulnerable to ambush by pythons.

Observations of rodents, coyotes and Florida panthers had increased slightly, but the overall number of sightings remained low.

The researchers also found that the declines in mammals coincided geographically with the spread of Burmese pythons. Mammal species are more common in areas where pythons have only been recently introduced, and are most abundant outside the snakes' current range.

Prof Dorcas said more research was needed to assess the impact of such large declines. But he added: "It's not unreasonable to assume that any time we have major declines in mammals like this it's going to have overall impacts on the ecosystem. Exactly what those are going to be, we don't know. But it's possible they could be fairly profound."

The ban on importing Burmese pythons has come after five years of debate and lobbying in Washington DC. Florida's Democrat Senator Bill Nelson was among those who campaigned for a ban, unravelling the skin of a 5m-long Everglades python at a 2009 Senate hearing to make his point.

But reptile breeders and collectors had disputed that the tropical snakes posed much risk beyond south Florida and argued that any ban would harm a multi-million dollar industry.

Although the ban will not reverse the situation in southern Florida, where the reptiles are already established, Prof Dorcas said it could help prevent their spread to other suitable habitats in the US, such as southern Louisiana and south Texas.


Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/science-environment-16791094

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Daniel Radcliffe Talks The Woman in Black

Daniel Radcliffe seems content with, as he puts it, the fading "hoopla" that surrounded playing Harry Potter for ten years. "If that steadily decreases for the rest of my life, I'll be kind of cool with that," Radcliffe admitted on the eve of the release "The Woman in Black," his first post-Potter film project. Considering his fame -- primarily fueled from playing Potter in eight separate films -- the 22-year-old actor is surprisingly self-aware.

Radcliffe realizes his current place in movie stardom. He knows that his "cachet" (again, as he puts it) will not last forever, nor do I get the impression that he wants it to last forever. Actually, from the time we spent together, I did get a vibe from Radcliffe that almost cried, "the sooner, the better." Put it this way: when searching for an apt metaphor to describe fame and fortune, Radcliffe compared it to regurgitated steak.

In "The Woman in Black" Radcliffe plays Arthur Kipp, a lawyer who discovers deep, dark secrets in a town inhabited by a seemingly child-killing ghost. An open and honest Radcliffe discussed the importance of his first post-Potter role, why he would not play another character named "Harry," and what he won't miss about the fame that came along with being Harry Potter.

They didn't screen the film for me before this interview.
I'm sorry.

I've seen the trailer. In the time we have, you could act out every scene that I've seen five times.
That's absolutely true! Yes! And it would be a lot of the same face that's in the trailer.

So you're 22 now, right?

You do look a little older in "The Woman in Black" than what we're used to seeing.

Is that important to you?

In the original script he's about 27. I think I could conceivably play 24 or 25 with a little bit of stubble. Also, in all of those clothes, that makes you look slightly older because you hold yourself differently. So, yeah, we were picturing him at about 24 or 25, with a 4-year old son.

Did you read the book?
Yes. I've read the book, but I've never seen the play. Weirdly, because I never really was at school -- because the play seems to be like a "school trip" play for everybody I know -- I never went to see it because I was doing "Potter." But I hear it's terrifying -- as it should be.

It would be odd if you said, "I've heard that it's hilarious."
[Laughs] Yeah, well that's the thing: the movie is very different than the book and very different than the play. And the book is different than the play. So, you know, we've all taken liberties. The original book is told in the past -- it's flashback from my character as an old man -- and that's not what it is in the film. In the film it all takes place in the present time. It's basically the idea for "The Woman in Black," the village and the tone of the book, and changed details of the story.

What if the main character's first name in this story was Harry instead of Arthur? Maybe that's a stupid question...
No, it's not stupid at all.

Would you have asked to have it changed?
Yeah, I think I might.

That's interesting.
I don't know. I think I might. It would be more of a problem if the character's name was Potter. That would be worse. But, I don't know. Maybe. On "My Boy Jack," they came to me with glasses and I was like, "Whoa, not those ones." But, yes, it's not a stupid question; it's quite an interesting one. Yeah, I think I might have asked for that to be changed. I'm not sure. I don't know how I would have felt about that. But, yeah, there's also another weird "Potter" connection with this: the guy who played my dad in "Potter" played my character in the original TV film of "The Woman in Black." So there's a few little weird "Potter" connections. But, then again, "Potter" is connected to everything. It's no no longer even a coincidence. It's just inevitable.

This is your first big film role post-"Potter." How important is this movie to you?
It's important, but it's not the be-all and end-all, that's the thing. Like, people keep saying, "Oh, it's Daniel Radciffe's first film post-"Harry Potter," let's see how he does."

I don't even necessarily mean it like that. Do you feel you need to separate yourself from what you're currently known for?
Yes. But I think it's a longer... I think to put all of that pressure on one film would be ridiculous. I think, because not everyone is going to see this. A lot of people will, hopefully, but not everyone. And, also, I made peace a long time ago with the fans. There will be people who forever see me as Harry. That's fine as long as they're not controlling a casting racket in L.A., then we'll be fine. For this film, what's great about it and what's kind of perfect is that the part is different: it's older, it's playing a father. There are challenges there; stuff that will physically separate me from Harry in people's minds. But there's also the story is so compelling that after about 10 or 15 minutes of watching the film, you're going to stop thinking about me or what else I've done and just be into the film. Because it's a really brilliant story. So that's why it's kind of perfect as a first film outside of it. Because even though I'm the only "name above the title" kind of thing, once you're in there, it's not about me. it's about the story and the need to know what's going to happen. So, hopefully that will overtake.

Will you miss all the commotion that came with Harry Potter? If I were you, I can't decide if I'd miss it or not.
[Pauses] Hm...

Not the people that you worked with...
No, no, no... the fame and the circus and the hoopla...

"Hoopla." That's the word I'm looking for.
No, I don't miss the hoopla. I don't think, particularly. I'm quite happy. If I have passed my most famous point, I won't be unhappy. Like, that's OK. If, say, around the time of "Potter 7" coming out, my face is all over the world, and all of that stuff is going on at that time and all of that madness -- if that steadily decreases for the rest of my life, I'll be kind of cool with that. I had a good dose of it for 10 years. You know, I'm now content to just make my way and do a lot of films that I find interesting. There is the fight, then, is that in order to keep being able to do interesting little things, you have to do that George Clooney thing of doing a big movie like an "Oceans 11" -- which are still very good movies -- so that you can go off and do "Syriana" or "Good Night and Good Luck," or whatever. So I suppose that's the challenge in the future. For now, I still have "Potter" behind me and people still associate me with this big thing. So, while my name has some cachet, I guess...

It does.
It does, for now. But, you know, it won't forever. And, so, while it still does, I've got a chance to make some really interesting films.

So when you look at the hoopla, what part are you most glad is over? Is it so you have time to make different movies?
That's the thing...

You had time for stage productions...
But not for films. I won't miss having to tell people, "No, I won't be available for another year and a half." I won't miss that. Look, there's always going to be premieres and all of that. That kind of stuff. I won't miss the mania that kind of surrounds it. But it's not like I disliked any of that at the same time. it's one of those things where you go, I don't know -- it's the equivalent of having a really, really good steak. Like, you have it, then it's gone. You don't miss it. You don't go, "Oh, I wish that steak were back here." You go, "Damn, I enjoyed that."

I've missed steak before.
OK, but you don't want to regurgitate it and eat it again!

That's fair.
But that's the kind of thing I'd say about "Potter." It was like a good steak for 10 years, I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't try and bring it back up.

At one point you were attached to play photographer Dan Eldon. What happened?
Yeah, yeah... I was attached to that for a while. We felt that the script changes were needed.

My ex-girlfriend went to high school with him, so it's a project that I've paid attention to.
Oh, really? Yeah, it was a great script. And then I read a little more about his life and the script was fantastic, but it wasn't entirely -- reading about Dan, as well as being an inspirational and amazing person, he was also abrasive. And he annoyed a lot of people. He had a knack for pissing people off.

I've heard that.
And that wasn't in the script. And I felt that it needed that. So, yeah, that was the reason for that.

Mike Ryan is the senior writer for Moviefone. He has written for Wired Magazine, VanityFair.com, GQ.com, New York Magazine and Movieline. He likes Star Wars a lot. You can contact Mike Ryan directly on Twitter

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Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1924406/news/1924406/

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Gaborik's trick leads Team Chara to All-Star win

Team Alfredsson's Henrik Sedin scores past Team Chara goaltender Jimmy Howard during the first period of the NHL All-Star hockey game on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Ottawa. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Fred Chartrand)

Team Alfredsson's Henrik Sedin scores past Team Chara goaltender Jimmy Howard during the first period of the NHL All-Star hockey game on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Ottawa. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Fred Chartrand)

Team Chara's Marian Gaborik, center, is congratulated following his third goal past Team Alfredsson goaltender Jonathan Quick (32) by teammates Marain Hossa, left, and Dion Phaneuf during the second period of the NHL All-Star hockey game on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Ottawa, Ontario. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Sean Kilpatrick)

Team Chara's Marian Gaborik celebrates his goal past Team Alfredson goaltender Henrik Lundqvist during the first period of the NHL All-Star hockey game on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Ottawa. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Fred Chartrand)

Mick E. Moose, the Winnipeg Jets mascot, takes in the pre-game ceremonies at the NHL All-Star game Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012 in Ottawa. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Paul Chiasson)

Team Alfredsson's Hendrik Sedin, left, is congratulated byScott Hartnell after scoring past Team Chara goaltender Jimmy Howard during the first period of the NHL hockey All-Star game Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012 in Ottawa, Ontario. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Sean Kilpatrick)

(AP) ? Marian Gaborik got the best of New York Rangers teammate Henrik Lundqvist, and Zdeno Chara scored the winning goal for the NHL All-Star team named after him.

Even in defeat, Daniel Alfredsson rewarded the hometown fans with two goals and an assist, and then the Ottawa Senators captain provided a hint that he might come back for one more season.

For an All-Star game that lacked the league's top-name talent in Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin, there was plenty to keep everyone buzzing on Sunday.

Gaborik scored three times, added an assist and earned MVP honors, and Team Chara used a third-period offensive eruption to secure a 12-9 win over Team Alfredsson.

"We have a lot of fun out there," said Lundqvist, who allowed three goals on 12 shots in the first period. "A lot of times you might forget because it's a lot of pressure, and you put a lot of pressure on yourself, but this weekend is all about the game of hockey and having fun with it. So we've been enjoying ourselves, and I hope the fans felt the same way."

What was not to like?

Fans were treated to a wide-open, no-hitting style in a game that featured plenty of nifty passing plays, numerous odd-man breaks and even a penalty shot awarded to Steven Stamkos, who leads the NHL with 32 goals.

Stamkos, however, was foiled on his freebie ? the second in All-Star game history ? when he attempted the same spin-around move he used to beat Carey Price in the skills competition on Saturday night. Jimmy Howard didn't bite on Sunday, holding his ground and hugging the post to stop Stamkos' penalty-shot attempt.

"I think I ran out of moves," Stamkos said. "I tried something fancy and hoped it would work. It didn't. But I just tried to have fun with it."

Gaborik enjoyed himself the most, earning bragging rights over Lundqvist after the two spent the past few days playfully going back and forth on Twitter. The mock feud was over Lundqvist ? Alfredsson's assistant captain ? choosing not to select Gaborik in the All-Star player draft on Thursday.

Gaborik showed just how motivated he was. After opening the scoring 4:34 in on a give-and-go with Pavel Datsyuk, Gaborik circled the net dropped to one knee and pointed his stick machine-gun style at Lundqvist while pumping his fist.

The move was identical to one done by Rangers forward Artem Anisimov earlier this season when he scored against the Tampa Bay Lightning.

This one was all in fun, said Gaborik, the 16th player to score at least three goals ? one short of matching the record ? in the All-Star game. It was the first All-Star hat trick since Rick Nash had three goals in 2008.

"It's always tough to score on him," Gaborik said of Lundqvist. "It's not easy. I was fortunate to be lucky against him, but I think he's one of the best if not the best goalie in the league."

Tim Thomas made 18 saves in the final period, and extended his record by winning his fourth All-Star game.

Hossa and Jarome Iginla had a goal and two assists, and Joffrey Lupul scored twice for Team Chara.

For Team Alfredsson, Henrik Sedin had a goal and two assists, and Daniel Sedin, John Tavares, Jason Pominville and Milan Michalek had a goal and assist each.

The outcome was decided in the final period when Team Chara outscored Team Alfredsson 6-3.

With the game tied at 8, Chara, Marian Hossa and Corey Perry scored in a span of 1:22, beating goalie Brian Elliott on consecutive shots.

Gaborik set up Chara for the decisive goal, flipping the puck into the high slot, where Chara slapped it in.

"I was surprised that I was open, and I just put it on net," Chara said. "It's nice to get the win. The fans saw some goals, and then as we were going toward the end, you could see that the guys wanted to win."

Chara paid respect to Alfredsson, saying he was rooting for his former Senators teammate to complete his hat trick.

"Alfie's such a classy guy, obviously a big icon in Ottawa and Sweden, as well, and such a great player to represent this team," Chara said. "So of course I was pulling for him."

After falling behind 3-0, Team Alfredsson rallied to tie it before the first period ended. But they didn't get their first ? and only lead ? until Alfredsson scored twice during a 1:31 span to put his team up 6-5 with just under four minutes left in the second.

His first goal came on a great individual effort in which Alfredsson, dragging the puck behind him, split defensemen Kimmo Timonen and Ryan Suter, and flipped a shot that sneaked inside the right post to beat Price. Alfredsson's second came on a wonderful passing play courtesy of Daniel and Henrik Sedin, whom Alfredsson was looking forward to play with when he drafted the twins.

That got the crowd chanting "Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!"

He nearly scored his third goal in the third period, only to have a one-timer from the left circle ring off the post.

But it was after the game when Alfredsson sounded upbeat about his future in an interview broadcast on the arena's scoreboard.

With a smile on his face, and fans cheering his name, Alfredsson said: "Fifty percent yes, and my wife's going to have to decide the other 50."

He has one year left on his contract.

It a game built around offense, the goalies still found ways to have fun with it.

Price allowed three goals on 14 shots, and lamented during the first intermission the lack of defense.

"I feel like being a lamb getting led to slaughter," Price said. "I'm must be holding on for the ride today and hope I don't get lit up too bad."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-01-29-All%20Star%20Game/id-0b15feb7c1af462c9ca278fc7bdd7a25

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Gingrich bemoans Romney's Florida "carpet-bombing"

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, left, talks to an unidentified man after arriving at Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Lutz, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, left, talks to an unidentified man after arriving at Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Lutz, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, left, and his wife Callista, center, arrive at Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Lutz, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, leaves his campaign bus and boards his campaign plane in Panama City, Fla., as he travels to Fort Myers, Fla., Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum speaks to members of the news media, Friday, Jan. 27, 2012, after arriving at the Chester County Airport in Downingtown, Pa. (AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)

MIAMI (AP) ? Newt Gingrich slammed GOP presidential rival Mitt Romney for "carpet-bombing" his record ahead of Tuesday's presidential primary in Florida, trying to cut into the resurgent front-runner's lead in the final 48 hours before the vote.

On the defensive after barrage of attacks from Romney and a political committee that supports him, Gingrich said Romney had lied and the GOP establishment had allowed it.

"I don't know how you debate a person with civility if they're prepared to say things that are just plain factually false," Gingrich said during appearances on Sunday talk shows. "I think the Republican establishment believes it's OK to say and do virtually anything to stop a genuine insurgency from winning because they are very afraid of losing control of the old order."

Despite Romney's effort to turn positive, the Florida contest has become decidedly bitter and personal. Romney and Gingrich have tangled over policy and character since Gingrich's stunning victory over the well-funded Romney in the South Carolina primary Jan. 21.

Showing no signs of letting up, Gingrich objected to a Romney campaign ad that includes a 1997 NBC News report on the House's decision to discipline the then-House speaker for ethics charges.

"It's only when he can mass money to focus on carpet-bombing with negative ads that he gains any traction at all," Gingrich said.

Gingrich acknowledged the possibility that he could lose in Florida and pledged to compete with Romney all the way to the party's national convention this summer.

An NBC/Marist poll showed Romney with support from 42 percent of likely Florida primary voters and Gingrich slipping to 27 percent.

While Romney had spent the past several days sharply attacking Gingrich, he pivoted over the weekend to refocus his criticism on President Barack Obama, calling the Democratic incumbent "detached from reality." The former Massachusetts governor criticized Obama's plan to cut the size of the military and said the administration had a weak foreign policy.

Gingrich's South Carolina momentum has largely evaporated amid the pounding he has sustained from Romney's campaign and the pro-Romney group called Restore Our Future. They have spent some $6.8 million in ads criticizing Gingrich in the Florida campaign's final week.

Gingrich planned to campaign Sunday in central Florida, while Romney scheduled rallies in the south. He was also looking ahead to the Nevada caucuses Feb. 4, airing ads in that state and citing the endorsement Sunday of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Nevada's largest newspaper.

Gingrich collected the weekend endorsement of Herman Cain, a tea party favorite and former presidential hopeful whose White House effort foundered amid sexual harassment allegations.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, trailing in Florida by a wide margin, planned to remain in Pennsylvania where his 3-year-old daughter, Bella, was hospitalized, and resume campaigning as soon as possible, according to his campaign. She has a genetic condition caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 18th chromosome.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul has invested little in the Florida race and is looking ahead to Nevada. The libertarian-leaning Paul is focusing more on gathering delegates in caucus states, where it's less expensive to campaign. But securing the nomination only through caucus states is a hard task.

Gingrich appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and ABC's "This Week." Paul was on CNN's "State of the Union."


Associated Press writer Philip Elliott in Tampa contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-29-GOP-Campaign/id-2997f46caa454e93874def1d6b33d480

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why the US won't fund Palestinian 'Sesame Street'

Following a Palestinian appeal for UN recognition, US congressional funding for aid projects including a local version of 'Sesame Street' have been frozen.

? A local, slice-of-life story from a Monitor correspondent.

Skip to next paragraph

Daoud Kuttab usually produces a Palestinian version of ?Sesame Street? that teaches children how to count. But lately he has had to focus on his own bottom line. Three months after an American funding freeze, his show is so behind schedule that the writers? workshop rooms are empty, the editing studios are dark, and the Muppets have left the West Bank for repairs.

Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

Mr. Kuttab says that in October he was expecting to receive $2.5 million from the US Agency for International Development for the next three years. But Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) of Florida froze $192 million in congressional funding to USAID?s programs in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations, which the United States opposed.

Each season, Kuttab works with teachers and child psychologists to craft 26 episodes around themes of tolerance, sharing, and friendship. Kuttab said that even if money is restored he will not manage to produce any new episodes in 2012.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/aOwVL3qu_hU/Why-the-US-won-t-fund-Palestinian-Sesame-Street

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Steve Jobs, Superhero

jobs-superhero3When I was a kid, I read tons of superhero comic books. I fantasized about superpowers, but the storylines about heroes with massive Achilles? heels really held my attention the most. They saved the world but had screwed up personal lives, made lots of mistakes, and often acted like complete assholes. In retrospect, I related to their flaws. And, probably not coincidentally, my favorite characters exhibited core weaknesses I had experienced: Spider-Man (immaturity), Iron Man (overconfidence/hubris), and Wolverine (rage). Ironically, when the character?s weakness comingled with the superpower, it would often spur them to succeed against impossible odds.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/q5ZmDhTBLPE/

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

PEN writers condemn attacks on Mexico journalists (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? Several Nobel prize laureates are joining the PEN International writers group in condemning attacks on journalists in Mexico.

Mario Vargas Llosa and Toni Morrison are among those participating in a full-page ad in the newspaper El Universal, signed by 170 of the world's most acclaimed writers. It recognizes the courage of journalists in a country were attacks have increased dramatically with drug violence in recent years.

Friday's ad says attacks on journalists "impede the ability to live a secure life free of censorship."

Attacks on Mexican journalists generally go unprosecuted.

Mexico's national human rights commission says 74 journalists were killed from 2000 to 2011. The Committee to Protect Journalists says 51 were slain in that time.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mexico/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120127/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_mexico_journalist_attacks

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Marshall football: Thundering Herd announces 2012 schedule

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Relax, Doc Holliday.

The 2012 Marshall football schedule has a perfect balance of home and road games (six each). The off week is Oct. 13, when the Herd will have six games in the rearview and six Conference USA games still to play.

The travel schedule is friendlier this year, too. Marshall will play consecutive road games just once.

"This is certainly another great schedule," Holliday said in a statement after the school released the upcoming season's schedule Thursday afternoon.

"We are thrilled to have these six teams visit Joan C. Edwards Stadium this fall and our coaches and student-athletes are excited to prepare for the challenges ahead."

Marshall, coming off a 7-6 season and a Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl victory, will play Western Carolina (Sept. 8), Ohio (Sept. 15), Tulsa (Oct. 6), UCF (Oct. 27), Memphis (Nov. 3) and Houston (Nov. 17) at home.

The road games are against West Virginia (Sept. 1), Rice (Sept. 22), Purdue (Sept. 29), Southern Mississippi (Oct. 20), UAB (Nov. 10) and East Carolina (Nov. 24).

The season opener is against the Mountaineers, the defending Big East and Orange Bowl champions, in the Friends of Coal Bowl.

The Herd's home opener will be against Football Championship Subdivision program Western Carolina.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Relax, Doc Holliday.

The 2012 Marshall football schedule has a perfect balance of home and road games (six each). The off week is Oct. 13, when the Herd will have six games in the rearview and six Conference USA games still to play.

The travel schedule is friendlier this year, too. Marshall will play consecutive road games just once.

"This is certainly another great schedule," Holliday said in a statement after the school released the upcoming season's schedule Thursday afternoon.

"We are thrilled to have these six teams visit Joan C. Edwards Stadium this fall and our coaches and student-athletes are excited to prepare for the challenges ahead."

Marshall, coming off a 7-6 season and a Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl victory, will play Western Carolina (Sept. 8), Ohio (Sept. 15), Tulsa (Oct. 6), UCF (Oct. 27), Memphis (Nov. 3) and Houston (Nov. 17) at home.

The road games are against West Virginia (Sept. 1), Rice (Sept. 22), Purdue (Sept. 29), Southern Mississippi (Oct. 20), UAB (Nov. 10) and East Carolina (Nov. 24).

The season opener is against the Mountaineers, the defending Big East and Orange Bowl champions, in the Friends of Coal Bowl.

The Herd's home opener will be against Football Championship Subdivision program Western Carolina.

The Conference USA opener is at Rice, the first of consecutive weeks Marshall plays on the road. The Herd's final non-conference game will be at Purdue the following week.

MU then settles into the conference portion of its schedule, with just one road during a five-week stretch from the first week of October to the first week of November.

"This is a very competitive schedule," Marshall Athletic Director Mike Hamrick said. "Coming off last season's bowl win, our program is on the rise and this schedule will only help raise the profile of Marshall football."

The 2012 schedule features 11 Football Bowl Subdivision opponents, six of which finished with a winning record last season.

West Virginia (10-3) and Southern Miss (12-2) ended the season ranked No. 17 and 20, respectively. The Ohio Bobcats, which defeated Marshall 44-7 last season, also finished with double-digit wins (10).

The new FBS addition to the non-conference schedule is Purdue, which will host Marshall at Ross-Ade Stadium, a 62,500-seat on-campus football venue. The Boilermakers will make a return trip to Huntington on Sept. 5, 2015.

All matchups on the 2012 schedule are Saturday games, although television selections could dictate changes. ?

Contact sportswriter Chuck McGill at chuck.mcg...@dailymail.com or 304-348-1712. His blog is at blogs.dailymail.com/marshall.

Source: http://dailymail.com/rssFeeds/201201260215

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Friday, January 27, 2012

NC Democratic Gov. Perdue won't seek re-election

North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue wears a Freightliner hat as she smiles during a news conference at a Freightliner plant in Cleveland, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012. About 1,100 workers laid off from a factory that builds long-distance Freightliner trucks will be called back to work to meet increasing demand as economies in the U.S. and elsewhere improve, Daimler Trucks North America said Thursday. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue wears a Freightliner hat as she smiles during a news conference at a Freightliner plant in Cleveland, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012. About 1,100 workers laid off from a factory that builds long-distance Freightliner trucks will be called back to work to meet increasing demand as economies in the U.S. and elsewhere improve, Daimler Trucks North America said Thursday. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

(AP) ? Democratic North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue, the first woman elected governor in the state, said Thursday she would not seek re-election this year because she believes a bid would make it more difficult to fund education.

Perdue has faced poor poll numbers, continued budget troubles and a campaign investigation while Republicans took over the Legislature last year.

She announced last week she would offer a budget this spring that would seek a sales tax increase for education. Republicans let a temporary sales tax increase expire last summer, and at least one legislative leader called her proposal dead on arrival.

"We live in highly partisan times, where some people seem more worried about scoring political points than working together to address the real challenges our state faces," Perdue said in an email to supporters. A re-election bid, she added, "will only further politicize the fight to adequately fund our schools."

Perdue faced a tough rematch against former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory, a Republican she narrowly defeated in 2008 in the state's closest gubernatorial contest since 1972. Perdue's win was partly attributed to Barack Obama's surprise victory in North Carolina ? the first in 36 years for a Democratic nominee for president.

News of Perdue's decision came as North Carolina Democratic Rep. Brad Miller said he also would not seek re-election, avoiding a potential primary contest against fellow Democrat David Price after the Republican-controlled Legislature drew them into the same district.

North Carolina is considered an important state for Obama's re-election prospects and Democrats decided to hold the party convention in Charlotte in September.

Perdue, 65, has struggled with a state economy hit hard by the recession and an unemployment rate persistently above the national average. Polling conducted throughout her term has consistently shown her approval ratings hovering around 40 percent.

She's had to deal with state budget problems that led her and fellow Democrats to raise the sales tax by a penny in 2009 and make deep cuts to education and health care. The first-term governor more recently clashed with the new Republican leadership in the General Assembly, which swept into power after the 2010 elections and gave GOP control of the Legislature for the first time since the 1870s.

Perdue has traded jabs with Republican leaders on issues ranging from jobless benefits to a measure allowing death row inmates to use statistical evidence of racial bias to challenge their convictions. In a sign of the tension, she vetoed a record 16 bills last year.

She faced scrutiny about her 2008 campaign and more than three dozen flights that she didn't initially report on campaign filings required by state election officials. A local prosecutor has said the governor wasn't the focus of his investigation, but four people have been indicted related to the flight investigation, including her former campaign finance director.

Perdue had said for months she was running again, and she raised more than $2.6 million in 2011. The amount was only slightly more than what McCrory had raised during last year ? a poor showing in a state where Democratic candidates routinely outspend Republicans in statewide elections. Perdue's term goes through the end of the year.

"To those of you who have supported me throughout my years of public service, I will always be grateful for the confidence you have placed in me," Perdue said. "In my remaining months in office, I look forward to continuing to fight for the priorities we share, by putting North Carolinians back to work and investing in our children's future."

Democratic state Rep. Bill Faison, who has been hinting he wanted to run for governor, said he was not surprised Perdue is stepping aside. For weeks, prominent people in the party worried about Perdue's low poll numbers had been visiting the governor and suggesting she not run, Faison said.

"I don't think anyone will be surprised by what that announcement is," Faison said.

Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton, another Democrat, would seem to consider a run. Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper, who toyed with a gubernatorial bid in 2008 but decided against the idea, announced Thursday he would run for a fourth term as the state's top law enforcement officer.

A native of Virginia, Perdue worked as a teacher and moved in the 1970s to the coastal town of New Bern, where she became director of geriatric services at a hospital before entering politics. She served in the Legislature and as lieutenant governor before being elected governor.


Robertson reported from Raleigh. Associated Press writers Michael Biesecker and Tom Breen in Raleigh also contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-26-NC%20Governor/id-15f4ffc90d41460e9a735df061119a86

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Video: In State of the Union, Obama sides with 99 percent

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A strange disease in which sufferers say they find fibers, fuzz and other debris sprouting from sores on their skin is not contagious and has no clear cause, the largest-ever study of the condition called Morgellons has found.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/46138201#46138201

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

US defender Ream gives up honeymoon for EPL move


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 11:21 a.m. ET Jan. 26, 2012

LONDON (AP) -Sun and sand in Tahiti or the gray skies of northwest England? For United States defender Tim Ream, there was only one choice.

Contacted by English Premier League club Bolton the day after his wedding, the 24-year-old Ream canceled his honeymoon on the Pacific island and headed east instead.

Ream convinced Bolton manager Owen Coyle of his worth while training in December with Bolton's squad and eventually completed a transfer from Major League Soccer's New York Red Bulls on Thursday.

"I was married for all of 24 hours when I got the phone call," Ream said. "The manager asked if I'd be willing to cancel the honeymoon and come to Bolton and honeymoon here.

"As much as we were disappointed that we had to pass up the trip, I think we both knew it was in our best interests. Hopefully it shows my commitment to being here and doing well here."

Ream's wife took a little more convincing.

"I can't really repeat what she said," Ream said. "But her and I have talked and as long as we're together in whatever we do I think both of us will be happy. She wants the best for me and I just want her to be happy.

"If she says tomorrow that she wants something, then I guess I'll have to give it to her."

Ream fills the gap in Bolton's squad created by the sale of Gary Cahill to Chelsea earlier in Europe's January transfer window.

The defender becomes the second United States international in the Premier League club's squad after midfielder Stuart Holden, who joined in January 2010.

Ream signed a 3 1/2-year contract but neither Bolton nor the Red Bulls disclosed the transfer fee for a player that Coyle said Arsenal wanted to sign before the start of the current English season.

"I knew there was interest in me when I came over last year and trained for a couple of weeks, and then after Christmas time things really did start to ramp up," Ream said. "Negotiations started and that's when I knew things were getting serious.

"Even before that week I aimed to challenge myself in England and, if an opportunity arose, I wanted to come over and try to make it here."

Coyle is sure Ream has what it takes to succeed in the Premier League.

"He is a U.S. international - a player that year-on-year has progressed and got better, and he will continue to do that," Coyle said. "Tim is everything that we want in the players we are bringing to the club when we spend in the transfer market.

"He is young, has a tremendous attitude and a winning mentality."

A finalist for the MLS Rookie of the Year award in 2010, Ream was named on the MLS All-Star Team last year and has played seven times for the United States.

"This was a hard decision for me considering the fact that I enjoyed playing for the Red Bulls and was looking forward to the upcoming MLS season," Ream said. "However, after consulting with those closest to me, I decided that this was a once in a lifetime chance that I could not pass up."

Bolton is 17th in the 20-team Premier League, just a point above the relegation zone after 22 of 38 matches.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Charlie Carillo: In Case You Missed It, Here's a De-Cap: HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR!

The man convicted for the crime that inspired the most famous headline in the history of tabloid journalism recently sought parole nearly 29 years after it happened, which put that headline right back in the headlines:


I was in the New York Post newsroom the day that immortal headline was born, and I'll get to that in a moment, but first allow me to set the scene.

What a scene it was.

In those days the New York Post was the Moneyball equivalent of a newspaper staff, a ragtag collection of remarkably talented, wildly colorful characters.

At the same time it was also like a mental health clinic in which nearly everybody was undermedicated.

Not a bad bunch to have when you're trying to grab the city by the lapels and shout in its face.

Day after day, the headlines were well worth the price of admission. I'll never forget one written by the brilliant Dick McWilliams, when Wall Street crook Ivan Boesky was sentenced to prison:


When pop artist Andy Warhol died suddenly in 1987, Al Ellenberg wrote a headline that was yanked at the last moment:


I'll always be sorry that one never ran. Hell, Warhol himself would probably have liked it!

When Godfather Joseph ("Joe Bananas") Bonanno was taken into custody as an old man, the headline said it all:


And a personal favorite of mine became not only a front-page headline but a popular t-shirt as well. The story was written by tabloid cowboy Bill Hoffmann and Charles Lachman, author of A Secret Life: The Lies and Scandals of President Grover Cleveland.

But long before Lachman's name appeared under that title, it appeared under this one:


Makes you want to read all about it, doesn't it?

Now back to that extraordinary day in April, 1983: it started with a police bulletin about a grisly crime in a bar. Among the many horrors, somebody had been decapitated.

Vinnie Musetto was in charge of the Post's front page, an excitable man with a bushy beard known to leap on his desk and blow a wooden train whistle when stories got him worked up.

When Vinnie found out the bar was also a topless joint... kingdom come!

He tapped out the words on his computer screen, glowing big and green:


Funny how just a few simple words can have the greatest impact. William Shakespeare had an enormous vocabulary but his most memorable line is TO BE, OR NOT TO BE.

Vinnie Musetto had knocked the ball out of the park, and he didn't even need a verb to do it.

Somehow, we all knew this was The One. The whole staff gathered behind Vinnie, like one of those oil paintings you see of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, with the founding fathers huddled together to absorb the impact of the moment.

It was a perfect headline, THE perfect headline. Maybe too perfect.

Suddenly city editor Dick Belsky called across the newsroom: "Hang on, Vinnie, we're not a hundred per cent sure it's a topless bar!"

Vinnie jumped on top of his desk and waved his arms.

"It's gotta be a topless bar!" he cried. "This is the greatest f------ headline of my career!"

Vinnie got his wish. The topless bar angle checked out, and within minutes the presses were rolling.

The headline became a t-shirt, a part of the "Saturday Night Live" opening credits and a legend for all time.

And had the parole board granted freedom to the man whose crime inspired this headline, it's easy to imagine the headline that would have graced the Post's editorial page today:


Charlie Carillo's first two published novels, Shepherd Avenue and My Ride With Gus are available on Amazon Kindle for 99 cents. His website is www.charliecarillo.com. He's a producer for the TV show Inside Edition.




Follow Charlie Carillo on Twitter: www.twitter.com/charlie carillo

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charlie-carillo/in-case-you-missed-it-her_b_1229112.html

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[OOC] You Could've Asked!

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Hey Alyx, I wouldn't mind playing your prince, this sounds like fun! ^^
But I might not get him up until sometime tomorrow b/c I need to go to bed soon and then school tomorrow.

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Hey Alyx I tossed in a character. Hope you don't mind, this just looked like a lot of fun.

A fragmented tale, eternally retold.
When darkness falls, two shall stand against it.
The crimson-haired girl and the beach born boy,
their fates intertwined, stand together.

Come my children and listen,
For time is all we have.

-Darkness on the Coast

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Pick me! Pick me! haha. ha.
Well fingers crossed that you pick my character.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hi everyone, I'm Eyru! I was just poking around the internet and found this place, so I figured I'd give it a try.

I love roleplaying. Personally, I find it to be one of the most incredible experiences to immerse yourself in another world, as another person. You can go places that you could never go, do things you could never do, and be someone you can't be offline. In addition to this, I've met some of the greatest people over the years because of roleplaying. I hope to meet many more great people here. :P

Um, my favourite type of roleplay would probably be either sci-fan or fantasy. I like taking science and magic and putting them together, but it's still a lot of fun to just pick up a sword and hunt dragons. Or be a dragon, you know, if that's your style. The majority of roleplays I've participated in over the years have been fantasy, though I've also done some sci-fi, sci-fan, life, and post-apocalypse.

My roleplaying style? I take time to describe things, and make things happen logically instead of pulling crazy moves out of the blue. I tend towards underpowering my characters and using creative thinking instead of hack-and-slash brute force, but that's just a style I've gotten into over the years. I've got nothing against big swords. ;)

I consider myself to be a pretty decent roleplayer, but there's always room for improvement, and I hope to do a lot of that improving here. :)

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/2thXkxEQgZg/viewtopic.php

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Obama's State of the Union: Jobs, re-election time (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Vilified by the Republicans who want his job, President Barack Obama will stand before the nation Tuesday night determined to frame the election-year debate on his terms, using his State of the Union address to outline a lasting economic recovery that will "work for everyone, not just a wealthy few."

As his most powerful chance to make a case for a second term, the prime-time speech carries enormous political stakes for the Democratic incumbent who presides over a country divided about his performance and pessimistic about the nation's direction. He will try to offer a stark contrast with his opponents by offering a vision of fairness and opportunity for everyone.

In a preview Saturday, Obama said in a video to supporters that the speech will be an economic blueprint built around manufacturing, energy, education and American values.

He is expected to announce ideas to make college more affordable and to address the housing crisis still hampering the economy three years into his term, people familiar with the speech said. Obama will also propose fresh ideas to ensure that the wealthy pay more in taxes, reiterating what he considers a matter of basic fairness, the officials said.

His policy proposals will be less important than what Obama hopes they all add up to: a narrative of renewed American security with him at the center, leading the fight.

"We can go in two directions," Obama said in the campaign video. "One is toward less opportunity and less fairness. Or we can fight for where I think we need to go: building an economy that works for everyone, not just a wealthy few."

That line of argument is intended to tap directly into concerns of voters who think America has become a nation of income inequality, with rules rigged to help the rich. The degree to which Obama or his eventual Republican opponent can better connect with millions of hurting Americans is expected to determine November's presidential election.

Obama released his video hours ahead of the South Carolina primary, where Republican candidates fought in the latest fierce contest to become his general election rival.

The White House knows Obama is about to get his own stage to outline a re-election vision, but carefully. The speech is supposed to an American moment, not a campaign event.

Obama didn't mention national security or foreign policy in his preview, and he is not expected to break ground on either one in his speech.

He will focus on the economy and is expected to promote unfinished parts of his jobs plan, including the extension of a payroll tax cut that is soon to expire.

Whatever Obama proposes is likely to face long odds in a deeply divided Congress.

More people than not disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, and he is showing real vulnerability among the independent voters who could swing the election. Yet he will step into the moment just as the economy is showing life. The unemployment rate is still at a troubling 8.5 percent, but at its lowest rate in nearly three years. Consumer confidence is up.

By giving a sneak peek to millions of supporters on his email list, Obama played to his Democratic base and sought to generate an even larger audience for Tuesday's address. He is unlikely to getter a bigger stage all year.

More people watched last year's State of the Union than tuned in to see Obama accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Denver in 2008.

The foundation of Obama's speech is the one he gave in Kansas last month, when he declared that the middle class was at a make-or-break moment and he railed against "you're on your own" economics of the Republican Party. His theme then was about a government that ensures people get a fair shot to succeed.

The State of the Union will be the details to back that up.

But even so, the speech will still be a framework ? part governing, part inspiration.

The details will be rolled out in full over the next several weeks, as part of Obama's next budget proposal and during his travels, which will allow him more media coverage.

On national security, Obama will ask the nation to reflect with him on a momentous year of change, including the end of the war in Iraq, the killing of al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and the Arab Spring protests, with people clamoring for freedom. He is expected to note the troubles posed by Iran and Syria without offering new positions about them.

Despite low expectations for legislation this year, Obama will offer short-term ideas that would require action from Congress. For now, the main looming to-do item is an extension of a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits, both due to expire by March.

His travel schedule following his speech, to politically important regions, offers clues to the policies he was expected to unveil.

Both Phoenix and Las Vegas have been hard hit by foreclosures. Denver is where Obama outlined ways of helping college students deal with school loan debt. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Detroit are home to a number of manufacturers. And Michigan was a major beneficiary of the president's decision to intervene to rescue the American auto industry.

Republican leaders in Congress say Obama has made the chances of cooperation even dimmer just over the last several days. He enraged Republicans by installing a consumer watchdog chief by going around the Senate, which had blocked him, and then rejected a major oil pipeline project the GOP has embraced.

Obama is likely, once again, to offer ways in which a broken Washington must work together. Yet that theme seems but a dream given the gridlock he has been unable to change.

The address remains an old-fashioned moment of national attention; 43 million people watched it on TV last year. The White House website will offer a live stream of the speech, promising extra wrinkles for people who watch it there, and then invite people to send in questions to administration officials through social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

Obama's campaign is also organizing and promoting parties around the nation for people to watch the speech.


AP deputy director of polling Jennifer Agiesta and Associated Press writer Ken Thomas contributed to this report.



White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov


Follow Ben Feller at http://twitter.com/BenFellerDC

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120122/ap_on_bi_ge/us_obama_state_of_the_union

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Video: Cramer's Mad Dash

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/46100369/

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Volkswagen Super Bowl Ad Preview: Dogs Turn to "The Bark Side"

The higher-ups at Volkswagen must be big Star Wars fans.

For the second straight year, the car maker is using George Lucas' epic saga as inspiration for a Super Bowl commercial. A year ago, Little Darth Vader was a huge hit.

So much so that the company released a teaser for the ad early here in 2012. The sequel, featuring a canine chorus barking a familiar tune, may be even better:

Barking along to the ominous "Imperial March" dressed as Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, and an Ewok, these mutts will surely get people talking.

Or howling, one might say ... see what we did right there?

The appropriate title for the spot: "The Bark Side." Amazing.

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/01/volkswagen-super-bowl-ad-preview-dogs-turn-to-the-bark-side/

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Beijing releases key air pollution data

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012 file photo, a man rides an electric bike crossing a street shrouded by haze in Beijing, China. Caving to public pressure, Beijing environmental authorities started releasing more detailed air quality data Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012, that may better reflect how bad the Chinese capital's air pollution is. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012 file photo, a man rides an electric bike crossing a street shrouded by haze in Beijing, China. Caving to public pressure, Beijing environmental authorities started releasing more detailed air quality data Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012, that may better reflect how bad the Chinese capital's air pollution is. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)

(AP) ? Caving to public pressure, Beijing environmental authorities started releasing more detailed air quality data Saturday that may better reflect how bad the Chinese capital's air pollution is.

The initial measurements were low on a day where you could see blue sky. After a week of smothering smog, the skies over the city were being cleared by a north wind.

The readings of PM2.5 ? particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in size or about 1/30th the average width of a human hair ? were being posted on Beijing's environmental monitoring center's website. Such small particulates can penetrate deep into the lungs, so measuring them is considered a more accurate reflection of air quality than other methods.

It is the first time Beijing has publicly revealed PM2.5 data and follows a clamor of calls by citizens on social networking sites tired of breathing in gray and yellow air. The U.S. Embassy measures PM2.5 from a device on its rooftop and releases the results, and some residents have even tested the air around their neighborhoods and posted the results online.

Beijing is releasing hourly readings of PM2.5 that are taken from one monitoring site about 4 miles (7 kilometers) west of Tiananmen Square, the monitoring center's website said Saturday. It said the data was for research purposes and the public should only use it as a reference.

The reading at noon Saturday was 0.015 mg/m3, which would be classed as "good" for a 24-hour exposure at that level, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. The U.S. Embassy reading taken from its site on the eastern edge of downtown Beijing said its noon reading was "moderate." Its readings are posted on Twitter.

Steven Andrews, an environmental consultant who has studied Beijing's pollution data since 2006, said he was "already a bit suspicious" of Beijing's PM2.5 data. Within the 24-hour period to noon Saturday, Beijing reported seven hourly figures "at the very low level" of 0.003 milligrams per cubic meter.

"In all of 2010 and 2011, the U.S. Embassy reported values at or below that level only 18 times out of over 15,000 hourly values or about 0.1 percent of the time," said Andrews. "PM2.5 concentrations vary by area so a direct comparison between sites isn't possible, but the numbers being reported during some hours seem surpisingly low."

The Beijing center had promised to release PM2.5 data by the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year on Monday. It has six sites that can test for PM2.5 and 27 that can test for the larger, coarser PM10 particles that are considered less hazardous. The center is expected to buy equipment and build more monitoring sites to enable PM2.5 testing.

Beijing wasn't expected to include PM2.5 in its daily roundups of the air quality anytime soon. Those disclosures, for example "light" or "serious," are based on the amount of PM10, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the air.

Beijing interprets air quality using less stringent standards than the U.S. Embassy, so often when the government says pollution is "light," the embassy terms it "hazardous."

"There has been tremendous amounts of attention in the Chinese media ? whichever newspaper you pick up, whichever radio station you listen to, channel you watch ? they are all talking about PM2.5 and how levels are so high," said Andrews.

"What has been so powerful is that people are skeptical, and I think rightly skeptical," about the government's descriptions of data, he said.



Beijing center's readings (in Chinese): http://zx.bjmemc.com.cn/

The U.S. Embassy's Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/beijingair

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/b2f0ca3a594644ee9e50a8ec4ce2d6de/Article_2012-01-21-AS-China-Air-Quality/id-f0ce1b2106d04e1cb869ba0149801476

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